The Benefits Of Niacin: A “Jack of All Trades”

Did You Know…that Vitamin B3 protects against heart disease, boosts energy and helps you catch some coveted zzzzzz’s?

One of the 8 constituents in the multivitamin B-complex, vitamin B3, is truly a “jack of all trades, master of MANY.”

B3 protects against heart disease…lowers cholesterol…reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, cataracts, osteoarthritis, and type-1 diabetes…promotes a healthy nervous system and smoothly-functioning digestive tract…and is a primary agent in energy production.

Because vitamin B3 is water-soluble and cannot be produced or stored by the body, you need a steady stream of vitamin B3-rich foods throughout the day.

A multivitamin or vitamin-B complex supplement may not adequately fulfill B3 requirements. That’s because vitamin B3 comes in different forms that activate very distinct functions in the body.

Niacin: The B3 Boost for Heart Health

Niacin (nicotinic acid), is the B3 form commonly found in vitamin supplements and fortified foods. It is responsible for the “niacin flush” affect that boosts circulation and blood flow by opening up blood vessels and capillaries.

Studies show that the benefits of niacin promotes all over heart health by lowering harmful LDL cholesterol by as much as 23% and raising healthful HDL cholesterol by 33%.

Studies also indicate that upping your intake of niacin can lower two primary heart disease risk factors: lipoproteins decrease by 33% and triglycerides by 30% – 50%.

Niacin also cuts your risk of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), a major indicator of cardiovascular risk.

Plus, studies suggest that people who consume high levels of niacin from food have a lower risk of heart disease and cataracts.

The benefits of niacin is an all-over nervous system tonic. This hormone-regulating nutrient activates different sex and stress-related hormones in the adrenal glands and throughout the body.

Preliminary reports also indicate that the benefits of niacin can help…

Experts caution that excess niacin can cause upset stomach, peptic ulcers, headaches, impaired vision, dizziness, skin rashes and liver damage.

The benefits of niacin does interact with other drugs, especially cholesterol-lowering statins, so consult your physician before supplementing.

If you have liver or kidney damage, or suffer from stomach or intestinal ulcers, avoid taking too much niacin.

The B3 Cure for Restless Sleep

Researchers have found that an alternate form of B3—niacinamide, or nicotinamide—helps encourage deeper, more restful sleep. Niacinamide enhances the effectiveness of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps stimulate sleep. benefits of Niacin

The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine published a 2005 evaluation of alternative sleep aids, including vitamin B3 in the form of niacinamide.

Two groups of subjects—those without sleep disorders and those suffering from insomnia—were given escalating doses of niacinamide for 21 days. Both groups responded favorably to B3 supplements with improved sleep.

Revitalize Your Energy Levels

Both niacin and niacinamide are imperative to energy production and release. Both forms of B3 help the body absorb and convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy and amino acids.

FACT: Vitamin B3 is responsible for the proper functioning of more than 50 enzymes!

If your body does not have enough B3 to activate these enzymes, then you’ll be operating on fumes.

Activate Brain Power

Vitamin B3 boosts brainpower and memory and helps treat psychological disorders, such as depression, dementia and even schizophrenia.

If you want to make sure your body is receiving an adequate supply of B3, experts advised supplementing with 10-20mg a day. Food is always the best way to supply the nutrients your body craves.

Boost your B3 health with tuna, salmon, halibut, roasted chicken breast, and mushrooms.