Prevent Cancer in Your Home in 6 Easy Steps

It is just common sense that an ounce of cancer prevention is worth a pound of cancer cure.

There are many steps you can take – in your home, your lifestyle and your body – to drastically reduce your lifetime cancer risk.

Clean-Sweep Your Cleaning Products

Toxic cleaning products in your home drastically increase your cancer risk – especially breast cancer risk for the females who tend to use them most often.

Women have been shown to absorb as much as five pounds of toxins through the skin each year.

Bleach-based products kill the most germs but the fumes alone are not worth the danger. Ammonia-based products are practically useless when it come to killing certain bacteria so you are risking your overall health for no reason at all.

We are destroying our immune system’s ability to fight germs and infection by overwhelming our environment with antibacterial products.

Some exposure to germs keeps your immune response in peak working condition. Only hospitals and food preparation facilities must maintain a sterile atmosphere – their potential to spread illness and disease is much greater.

cancer prevention The best product to use for general household cleaning is simple soap and water.

Adding natural, non-toxic cleaning agents such as apple cider vinegar and baking soda work effectively without the dangerous side effects.

Air fresheners in the form of potpourri and organic incense can freshen your home safely and naturally.

Instead of dry-cleaning your clothes, hand-wash in mild soap and water then air dry – you can spot-treat with white vinegar.

The chemicals used in dry cleaning have been linked to several forms of cancer prevention according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Can the Canned Goods

The lining used inside canned food products are extremely high in Bisphenol A (BPA) – a commonly used ingredient used in the manufacture of cans, plastics and resins that is highly toxic to the human body.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 93% of American citizens are positive for this toxin in our bodies.

Fermented foods such as alcohol, wine, vinegar, yogurt, yeast breads and cheese help to break down the deposits of this harmful toxin.

By removing foods packaged in cans or plastic, you can drastically reduce your levels of BPA and start working to clear them from your system.

Choose Organic When Possible

We have known how dangerous pesticides are for decades. By choosing organically grown vegetables and organically raised animal products whenever possible, you limit your amount of exposure.

This is especially important when it comes to “soft” fruits and vegetables – such as peaches and tomatoes – that absorb more insecticides and chemicals than thicker-skinned varieties.

Again, adding fermented foods to your diet can help you clean these toxins from your body so limiting non-organic choices in the future truly pays off.

Trade In Your Teflon

Approximately 60% of the cookware sold in the United States has some form of non-stick coating.

Consider using cast-iron or “green” non-stick cookware – such as ceramic titanium or porcelain enameled cast iron – that do not contain the chemical PTFE found in most non-stick products that emit carcinogens when heated.

Cast iron is cheap, lasts forever and is completely natural.

Choosing cookware without a slick coating may mean using a bit of elbow grease to get them clean but you won’t be ingesting and breathing those dangerous compounds.

Opt for the Stove Top

Microwave popcorn is one of the most popular snack foods sold. Making popcorn on the stove tastes better and is much better for you.

Microwave popcorn fumes are being linked to multiple respiratory problems and have even led to respiratory distress. The chemical additives in the pre-packaged varieties are more things your body doesn’t need.

Toxins Aren’t Pretty

If you use makeup on a daily basis, you could be absorbing several pounds of harmful chemicals through your skin each year.

Most ingredients used in makeup, lotions and other personal care items are not tested and almost 1,000 common additives are known toxins!

Make sure you know what is going on your skin by checking the ingredients of the products you use regularly. Parabens, nano particles and formaldehyde are just a few to avoid – and they are not always listed by name.

If you aren’t sure, do research. Skin absorption is much more dangerous than toxins that are ingested. Your digestive system will filter and break down at least some of what you consume but what goes on your skin isn’t filtered or broken down at all.

Small Steps….Big Results

These products and additives add layers upon layers of toxins to your body as well as release carcinogens into the air you breathe. By limiting what you bring into your home, you are taking the first step in cancer prevention.

You spend the most time in your home – eating, sleeping, relaxing and cleaning – even more if you work from home. Adding nutritious foods, plenty of rest and regular exercise is going to keep your body going longer…and stronger…for many years to come.

Make your home – and yourself – as cancer-proof as possible and decrease your lifetime risk of developing this – and many other – diseases.

Six Ways to Prevent Cancer Infographic
Cancer Prevention Infographic - Six Ways to Prevent Cancer In Your Home