Be Careful the Next Time You Drink Tap Water

Did you know…that drinking water with fluoride lowers IQ? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) categorizes fluoride as a “chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neuro-toxicity.”

This classification is backed by 24 studies linking fluoride exposure to lower I.Q in children, 3 studies connecting fluoride exposure to dysfunctional neuro-behavorial development, and 100 animal studies associating fluoride exposure to impaired cognitive function.

Unsafe drinking water is not just a concern of third world countries; the United States heavily fluoridates its water. In fact, 70% of U.S. public drinking water supplies contain dangerous levels of fluoride lowers IQ levels. fluoride lowers IQ

One measurable side effect of fluoridation is dental fluorosis, a condition in which tooth enamel does not properly develop because of overexposure to fluoride. Dental fluorosis can manifest as white spots, stains, and deep grooves in the tooth. Alarmingly, 41% of American children between the ages of 12 and 15 have some form of dental fluorosis, an indication that fluoride levels in water are not safe.

Dental fluorosis provides visual proof that fluoride is a toxin, and it is logical to assume that fluoride’s toxic effects do more than just damage developing teeth.

Despite numerous studies highlighting the damage fluoride lowers IQ, inflicts on developing brains, health agencies in the United States and other fluoridating countries refuse to lend credibility to the findings. They have criticized the methodology of the studies, the majority of which have been conducted in China, but fail to conduct studies of their own to either refute or validate the claims.

Take for instance a highly publicized study of 512 children between 8 to 13 years living in 2 Chinese villages. Researchers ruled out lead exposure and iodine deficiency as possible causes of reduced IQ. They did not study children with a history of brain damage or disease, and none of the participants consumed brink tea, a beverage high in fluoride lowers IQ.

Neither village was exposed to fluoride pollution from industrial causes such as coal burning, thereby allowing researchers to zero in on water fluoridation as the primary culprit. Results showed that 28% of children in areas with low levels of fluoride in the drinking water scored IQ levels in the normal to high range, whereas only 8% of children in areas with high levels of fluoridated water exhibited normal to high IQs. In high-fluoride neighborhoods, 15% of children had scores reflecting mental retardation versus 6% of children in low-fluoride communities.

Proponents of fluoride will argue that the Chinese children were exposed to fluoride-enhanced drinking water at much higher levels than fluoridated water in the U.S. Paul Connett, Ph.D, director of the Fluoride Action Network refutes this argument, claiming, “the levels of the fluoride in the community where the lowered IQs were recorded were lower than the EPA’s so-called ‘safe’ drinking water standard for fluoride of 4 ppm and far too close for comfort to the levels used in artificial fluoridation programs (0.7 – 1.2 ppm).”

Experts such as Arvid Carlsson, Nobel laureate in medicine/physiology, advocate against exposing infants to fluoride levels greater than that found in breast milk. Unfortunately, infants fed formula reconstituted with fluoridated tap water are exposed to 250 times more fluoride than the amount found in mother’s milk. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has recommended lowering the fluoride level given to infants to 0.7 ppm, but this level is still 175 times more than the level of fluoride in breast milk!

Having fluoride exposure and seeing that fluoride lowers IQ is just one of the effects. Sixteen animal studies have found that fluoride damages the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for forming new memories and retrieving old ones.

One animal study found that 1 ppm of fluoride prompted morphological changes in rats’ brains and kidneys, increased the presence of aluminum in the brain, and led to the formation of beta-amyloid deposits, a primary cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

Upon reviewing 5 IQ studies, the National Research Council (NRC) concluded: “it is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain and the body by direct and indirect means.”

With the evidence mounting, why do countries such as the United States continue to implement fluoridation programs? History suggests that health agencies are more inclined to protect their fluoridation programs than the minds of their youth. One of the first animal studies published in the United States resulted in the firing of its lead author from the Forsyth Dental Center, a not-so-subtle warning to stop the case against fluoride lowers IQ.

Statistics show that the rates of Alzheimer’s, Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are steadily rising. While we may not know the exact causes of these brain impairments, we can safely assume that overexposure to toxins such as fluoride may have a significant impact on brain health.

To ensure optimal brain development avoid drinking tap water. You can further protect the health of your brain by adding 35% food grade H2O2 to your drinking water. For more details on implementing such a program visit: