Health Concerns

Health Concerns

negative effects of fat

The Top 5 Negative Effects of Fat and How It Can Impact Your Life

Top 5 Negative Effects of Fat More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese so chances are you already know many of the negative...
brain development

Cross-Crawl Technique Strengthens Your Nervous System and Brain Development

Did you know..that cross-crawl technique is one of the easiest ways to activate your brain development and nervous system to give it the proper...

Physical Inactivity May Cause Your Brain to Shrink

Why should you get moving? Because according to science, a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk for colds, viruses and infections, heart disease, diabetes, and...
chicken cancer

Fact or Myth: Can Eating Chicken Cause Cancer?

This is a FACT. Would you like your chicken traditional, crispy, or extra-cancerous? It sounds like a bad dream at KFC, but unfortunately, it’s true: Consuming...
organic sulfur

Reverse Aging With Organic Sulfur

No one ever talks about the health benefits of organic sulfur. It truly is the forgotten mineral – yet the third most abundant in your...
get rid of wrinkles

How Women Can Reduce Wrinkles by 50% with Hormone Replacement Therapy

Everyone wants to reduce wrinkles, especially women. But leaving aside the appearance issue, wrinkles also tell a lot about the overall health of the...

Aronia Berry: The New Berry on the Block

Did You Know...that a little-known American berry is loaded with so much antioxidant fuel it can improve the function of the circulatory, respiratory and...

The Greatest Manifestation Principle

2015 is upon us ... and with it comes a new beginning and the promise of a better future.  It’s the perfect time to...

Methionine Restriction: An Anti-Cancer Diet

Did You Know...that restricting your intake of this essential amino acid can starve cancer cells and increase your lifespan? Amino acids are the building blocks...

Black Rice: The New Cancer-Fighting Super Food

Did You Know... that black rice may be the new cancer-fighting super food? Rich in antioxidant anthocyanins, exotic black rice is a whole-grain that competes...