Scandal shook the latest cancer research in August when the Office of Research Integrity at the U.S. Department of Health ruled that Boston University cancer scientist Shen Wang, Ph.D., fabricated his findings.
The phony work was published in 2 journals in 2009. But it was subsequently cited in many other articles. Several scientists have based their work on the fabricated findings — which could now make 10 years of their studies worthless, according to commentary in Gaia Health.
The sad fact is, the fabrication of research data happens much more often than people realize. Respected holistic practitioner, Dr. Joseph Mercola, noted that cancer research in the United States needs to be scrutinized. “Much of it is money-driven and based on developing new drugs,” he said.
Gaia Health’s analysis agrees completely with Dr. Mercola’s claim of profit over science when it comes to cancer research:
It’s all about money. Get published in a major medical journal and your future is made …
Given that cancer research is such a lucrative business right now — the National Cancer Institute, which gave the grant money to support [the] fabricated research, had a $5.1 billion budget for fiscal year 2010 — the stakes are exceptionally high. So it stands to reason that it may be subject to even more fraud and manipulation than less lucrative research prospects.
According to additional reporting in the Economist, cancer drug development outnumbered development of other new treatments in all other therapeutic areas in 2010. Cancer drugs offer billions in profit potential, despite that so far, none of them have proven very effective. As Dr. Mercola pointed out, profit is the clear motive for these companies.
“Often what you’ll find is the research gives the perception of science when really it is a heavily manipulated process designed to control and deceive,” said Dr. Mercola. “Case in point, here again we have an example of widely accepted, published research that turned out to be fabricated.”