If you’ve ever experienced aches and pains … that rundown feeling … or any other low-grade symptoms that you (or your doctor) can’t explain, it might be a signal that you have a magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium deficiency is a dangerous condition that has been recognized since around 1971. That’s when Dr. Edmund B. Fink of the West Virginia University’s School of Medicine identified magnesium deficiency as a common and often undetected ailment.
Contrary to popular belief, magnesium is the most common mineral deficient in the American diet — not calcium. According to many health practitioners, without sufficient magnesium, the body degenerates rapidly, ages prematurely and accumulates toxins and acid residues.
Initial symptoms can be subtle. Since most magnesium is stored in the tissues, the first signs may be leg cramps, foot pain, or muscle twitches.
Other symptoms of magnesium deficiency can gradually develop, including, but not limited to:
• Low Energy
• Fatigue
• Weakness
• Restless legs, Muscle Twitches
• PMS and Hormonal Imbalance
• Poor Sleep
• Muscle Tension and Cramps
• Abnormal Heart Rhythms
• Headaches
• Anxiousness
• Nervousness
• Irritability
• Kidney Stones
Chronic deficiency can produce long-term damage and even be fatal. Meanwhile, replenishing magnesium levels provides innumerable health benefits.
“Magnesium may be the most under-rated mineral in human nutrition,” says Mike Adams, health editor of Natural News. “It’s not only pivotal in preventing heart disease, it also prevents diabetes by helping the body properly regulate sugar metabolism. There are perhaps a thousand benefits for magnesium in the human body, and yet most people are magnesium deficient!”
Can Magnesium Deficiency Cause Cancer?
Some leading researchers say it can indeed cause cancer. “Of the minerals inside the cell, all are vitally important, but magnesium has a role that permits perpetuity of function, and the lack of it will impact a cell’s efficiency and duration of its useful life,” says Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, author of Obesity, Cancer & Depression: Their Common Cause & Natural Cure. “Magnesium deficiency in the body is a very serious unrecognized problem.”
Researchers point to a wealth of studies showing a link between magnesium deficiency and cancer:
• A Polish study concluded that inadequate magnesium is an important risk factor in predisposing individuals to leukemia.
• Other researchers found that 46% of the patients admitted to an intensive care unit in a tertiary cancer center presented as deficient in magnesium (hypomagnesemia).
• Animal studies show that magnesium deficiency has caused lymphopoietic neoplasms in young rats.
• Researchers from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota concluded that diets rich in magnesium reduced the occurrence of colon cancer. A previous study from Sweden reported that women with the highest magnesium intake had a 40% lower risk of developing the cancer than those with the lowest intake.
• Several studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water. In Egypt, the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in Europe and America. Among the rural fellah (peasants and agricultural laborers), it was practically non-existent. These cancer-free populations have an extremely high magnesium intake of 2.5 to 3g — which is 10 times more than in most Western countries.
• The School of Public Health at the Kaohsiung Medical College in Taiwan found that magnesium exerts a protective effect against gastric cancer, but only for the group with the highest magnesium levels.
Why Magnesium Pills and Powders Are Not the Answer to Magnesium Deficiency
Supplementing magnesium has not always been easy. In the past, large, hard-to-swallow pills were the norm. These pills were cheap but could not be properly digested or absorbed by the body, thereby leaving a load of unused magnesium for the kidneys and liver to process and excrete. While the body’s magnesium levels remained nearly unchanged, the functioning of the liver and kidneys was threatened.
Powdered magnesium supplements gained popularity over the last decade, providing better absorption. But for many people, too-quick absorption causes a laxative effect that ironically results in further magnesium loss.
The most superior form of magnesium supplementation is thought to be a very convenient and effective transdermal spray. These sprays are applied to high-circulation areas on the skin, allowing for easy absorption into the bloodstream. Transdermal magnesium can help your body maintain optimal magnesium levels — without the drawbacks of other supplement forms — because your body only absorbs the magnesium it needs.
Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., author of The Magnesium Miracle, describes the unique benefits of topical magnesium chloride oil: “It’s not actually an oil at all, but a super saturated solution of magnesium chloride. Magnesium oil can be sprayed or rubbed on the body, and is readily absorbed through the skin. It helps to greatly increase the amount of magnesium in body tissues and overcomes the problems that some people have with loose stools when they try to take enough magnesium to meet their needs.”
How to Choose a Topical Magnesium Product That Delivers Therapeutic Effects
Not all types of magnesium, no matter what form of the supplement, deliver the same recognizable benefits. For example, the most common form of magnesium sold in pharmacies and grocery stores — magnesium oxide — has been shown to have as low as a 4% absorption rate. Similarly, transdermal magnesium can vary widely in quality and absorbability.
The best lab-certified pure topical magnesium is made from a Dead Sea extract and contains magnesium chloride hexahydrate.
This is the only form of magnesium that can be accurately measured in liquid form.
It’s the form most commonly used in hospitals and patient-care facilities where exact doses are needed. Because magnesium chloride hexahydrate comes from a liquid (most easily used by the body), it is bioavailable and readily accepted by your body.
Not surprisingly, however, very few companies go to the necessary lengths to provide the ultra-pure food/pharmaceutical grade magnesium chloride in a form that is easy to use, effective, and available without prescription.
In fact, there is only one publicly available product that contains magnesium chloride hexahydrate in an ultra-purified water solution. This means your body is supplied with the maximum amount of magnesium possible … and you are provided with all the benefits of this life supporting, ultra-energy nutrient.
Find out how easy it is for you to raise your magnesium levels, and consequently improve your health … recharge your energy levels … reduce aches and pains … and prevent cancer … using the only transdermal magnesium product with ultra-pure food/pharmaceutical grade magnesium chloride.