The Underground Health Reporters brings together the leading experts in the field to contribute content for our daily readers – view our Contributors.
In addition we only recommend the top of the line products that we have tested and know work – in our Marketplace.
As a health aficionado and avid research Danica Collins also recommends the following sites, resources and references to refer back to:
Vital Max provides natural vitamins and supplements for all health conditions at affordable prices. Their products are of the highest quality. They are researched and developed by some of the leading health experts in the country in their GMP and FDA approved labs. Vital Max strives to create advanced nutritional formulas using only the purest of raw materials.
The Baseline of Health Foundation provides natural health news and full body detox information. Visit their website and receive a free download of Jon Barron’s acclaimed health book, Lessons From The Miracle Doctors.
Conscious Media Network (CMN) provides higher education in the form of video and audio interviews which asks the viewer to ‘question everything’. From science to spirituality, health and healing, conspiracy and love, CMN offers new original content every month plus daily updates of videos and articles from around the globe.
Beautiful, unique and ancient audios in health, personal growth, and shortcuts to success to transform your world! Click here to get your FREE Sound Transformation Starter Kit today…
Al Sears, MD – No one cares about your health and the health of your loved ones more than you do. Dr. Sears believe that the best way to ensure quality in healthcare is to allow you to be in control. They believe you have an inherent right to decide on quality, expertise, respect and alternative treatments for your own health. Live a healthier life with natural remedies and natural cures to help you prevent disease. Go here to take control of your health and wellness now!
Missing Secrets website and newsletter helps you uncover the secrets behind the Law of Attraction and manifesting your heart’s desire through inspiration and motivation.
Get your FREE 30-page guide and manifesto on uncovering the missing secrets to get what you want in life.
The Golden Ratio Lifestyle Diet by Robert Friedman M.D. and Matthew Cross is the first book in history that reveals the path to ultimate health, beauty & longevity via the power of the Golden Ratio.
Through the Golden Ratio Lifestyle Diet, you’ll learn how to upgrade your body’s structure, movement and energy to higher levels. Join the authors on a unique journey and learn to access the greatest secret in the universe and apply it to your life for bountiful health, success and longevity.
Healing Gourmet’s mission is to educate on how foods promote health and protect against disease. And with more than 100,000 pages of content, they have become the world’s leading provider of healthy recipes, meal plans and educational lifestyle programs to prevent and treat the most pressing health concerns of our day. Visit their website to receive a free download of their book Eating Clean & Saving Green – Your Complete Guide to Organic Foods on a Budget as well as Eat Your Way Into Shape – Your Get Fit with Food Guide.
With today’s un-nourished conventional diets and the need for a clean eating healthy lifestyle, the hype to incorporate super foods in your diet has skyrocketed! Daily Superfood Love wants to take control of your health and superfoodify your diet. Come on over and superfoodify your life today with amazing jaw-dropping nutritional info, motivational tools, inspiration for your mind, body, and spirit and a wealth of daily superfood love.