Your DNA is Not Your Destiny: How to Remake Your Genetic Future Starting in Your Cupboard

Contrary to what you might believe, your DNA does not determine your destiny.  That means that just because you have the gene for condition X, you won’t necessarily develop condition X.  The cause and effect relationship is often not so simple.

The burgeoning field of epigenetics examines how many different factors can actually change your DNA.

The True Meaning of  “Genetic Predisposition” 

For many conditions, including certain types of cancer, having certain genes or clusters of genes means that you have a genetic predisposition to developing that condition.  A predisposition means a “tendency toward” developing a particular disease.  But in order for you to develop the disease, the genes involved must “express” themselves, or become activated.


The Truth About Genes:

Most genes express themselves as health problems if and only if  conditions are “right” for their activation. 

Your experiences—from what you eat, to the air you breathe, to the very thoughts you think—change your DNA.  Negative epigenetic influences can damage or mutate DNA, altering genetic expression and allowing diseases to flourish.  We all face a spectrum of these influences daily, such as…

  Nutritional deficiencies
  Hormonal imbalances
  Toxins and pollution
  Recurring stress

Fortunately, other factors—including commonly used spices—can positively influence your genetic code. 

Hard Science on the Medicinal Use of Spices 

Professor Bharat B. Aggarwal, a biochemist at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, grew up in a household were the main medicines his family used were spices.  “It seemed like almost every spice in our giant spice cabinet was a food and a medicine,” he reminisced in a piece for Experience Life magazine.

That perspective informed his choice to investigate whether a particular spice—one with a rich history of medicinal use—had anti-inflammatory properties.  When he began his research, there were less than 50 published scientific studies on the healing potential of spices.  His pioneering research identified specific molecular and genetic pathways targeted by this spice.

The spice contains high concentrations of phytochemicals, non-nutritive plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventative properties.

A Spice With Hundreds of Healing Properties 

This remarkable spice’s ability to treat pancreatic cancer is just one of its hundreds of benefits.  Experiments show the spice affects more than 100 separate pathways inside each cell.  Its antioxidant properties (meaning its capacity to fight inflammation) are some of its most exciting.
Research has identified inflammation as the underlying cause of conditions including…

Digestive upsets
Neurodegenerative diseases
Cardiovascular issues

     Thousands of years of medicinal use, world-class laboratory research, and the real world experiences of millions of people confirm that this spice is the real deal.  Compelling evidence proves that it is…

  • One of the most promising anticancer agents ever discovered
  • As effective in preventing strokes as the most commonly recommended OTC (over-the-counter) drugs
  • Capable of alleviating arthritic pain
  • Able to balance blood sugar levels
  • Indicated as an alternative to pharmaceutical treatments for diseases ranging from cataracts to HIV

Why You Can’t Afford to Wait to Try This Spice for Yourself 

The healing potential of this spice is so powerful that at least one pharmaceutical company has already tried to patent it.  Fortunately there are regulations preventing drug companies from patenting natural foods… for now, at least.

If you want to access the information you need to utilize the incredible healing powers of this spice for yourself and your loved ones, don’t delay. For a limited time, you can receive a comprehensive report on this miraculous spice absolutely FREE: click here to reserve your copy today.