Are Parasites Making You Fat?
Among the standard causes of obesity – such as diet, exercise and lifestyle – there is one cause that you might never suspect. I’m sure you don’t think about parasites making you fat?
Parasites are bacteria, viruses, bugs, worms or fungi that use our bodies for food and shelter – taking what they need to grow and thrive while providing nothing but problems in return.
Most of us associate parasites with areas of the world that have no access to clean drinking water or are unable to receive adequate medical care. Those of us fortunate enough to have both would never consider the possibility of parasites living in our bodies and wreaking havoc…but they do.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nearly 100 million Americans are infected with internal parasites such as pinworms, whipworms and tapeworms just to name a few…many of which are passed from their pets to their owners or through infected/undercooked pork or beef products.
The magazine First for Women published a report that stated 32% of all women in the United States are affected by parasites – if you are a woman that’s a shocking almost 1 in 3 affected!
How Are Parasites Destroying Your Metabolism and Making You Fat?
- Parasites create inflammation: Parasites in your system can inhibit efficient absorption of nutrients. They are taking all the “good stuff” in the food you eat…leaving you craving more food – to replace what they took – and ultimately causing malnourishment.
- Parasites create an overload of toxins in your vital organs: Secretion of toxins and excess acid build up from parasites can accumulate in your liver and kidneys – which is then dumped into fat cells for storage – causing major organs to work less efficiently. As these parasites live in your body, they digest what nutrients they take from you, secrete waste product and ultimately die – flooding your system with harmful toxins.
- Parasites damage muscle fiber and wreck your metabolism: High acidity content breaks down muscle tissue; your metabolism slows down to remove excess acid from your bloodstream.
- Parasites upset your digestive flora: Parasites slow down the production of good gut bacteria and stimulate bad gut bacteria growth.
The Science Behind Parasitic Weight Gain
Leptin is the hormone that regulates our appetite and hunger response, energy levels and our metabolism. In a study done by Wayne State University, scientists discovered that the human adenovirus (Ad-36) was found to cause obesity in test animals by inhibiting leptin production, causing lipids (fat cells) to accumulate and increasing insulin sensitivity.
The link between parasites and weight gain is a field Dr. Nikhil V. Dhurandhar has devoted his research to at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Seven viruses have been reported to be the causes of obesity in animal models by various research groups,” explained Dr. Dhurandhar. “Our long-term goal is to discover treatment and/or prevention of Ad-36-induced adiposity [obesity]. Furthermore, determining the role of other infectious agents in etiology of the causes of obesity is an important area of investigation.”
Where Are These Parasites Coming From?
Of course, parasites are not the only causes for obesity but scientists are recognizing a pattern of malnourishment, overeating and the corresponding obesity epidemic that point to many contributing factors. The question is: How are we getting them in the first place?
Most Common Transmissions of Parasites
• Bug bites and accidental transmission of bug feces into open wound
• Infected food and water – primarily undercooked beef or pork from parasitic animals
• Rodents, cats and dogs that may be carrying undetected/untreated parasites
• Blood or organ transfusions from infected donors
• Intimate contact – sexually and non-sexually
• Infected mother to unborn child or to infant through breast milk
These organisms take up residence in our bodies and live out their life cycle – including multiplying indefinitely inside you – until they die.
Treating your whole body and removing all parasites at the same time is crucial. These organisms are resilient and strong. Without treating the whole body, you can and will become re-infected.
Parasites are being extensively researched by world-renowned institutions because the link to other diseases is clear.
Problems Linked to Parasite Infection
- Paralysis and seizures (Ascaris or tapeworm cysts)
- Fatigue and depression (G. lamblia and Ascaris)
- Migraines (Strongyloides)
- Blood loss and severe anemia (A. Duodenale and N. Americanus or hookworm)
- Anal and vaginal irritation (E. Vermicularis or pin-worm)
- Birth defects and premature births (Toxoplasma Gondii)
- Recklessness and lower self-preservation (Toxoplasma Gondii)
- Muscle pain (Trypanosoma Cruzi or Chagas disease)
- Cardiac disorders (Trypanosoma Cruzi or Chagas disease)
- Digestive problems(Trypanosoma Cruzi or Chagas disease)
While medical science catches up to the very real problem of parasites…what can you do?
Get a simple stool sample test from your physician if you think you may have parasites.
It could take as long as two weeks to rid yourself of all parasitic activity. Once you do…you will be amazed at how good you feel. Don’t let bugs bug you!