This is a FACT.
Over the years, salt has become demonized and linked to a plethora of chronic diseases. But it’s not the salt that’s evil; it’s what we do to it that causes all the problems! Salt in its pure form contains minerals that are essential to health. But natural salt, such as Himalayan salt, has nothing in common with the refined table and cooking salt that’s gotten such a bad name—and for good reason!
Why Table Salt is Terrible for Your Health
Table salt is refined and processed—heated at over 1200° F—and rendered an unnatural form of chemical salt made up of 97.5% sodium chloride. Salt has become synonymous with sodium chloride, which is devoid of nutrients…but that’s not salt!
Your body doesn’t recognized sodium chloride as a natural substance, and not knowing what to do with it, has to work incredibly hard to metabolize it. This disrupts fluid balance and taxes your elimination systems. When excess fluid builds up in tissues, cellulite, rheumatism, and kidney and gall bladder stones can develop.
How Himalayan Salt Nurtures Your Health
Himalayan salt is hand-mined from caves formed 250 million years ago. It is raw, unprocessed, and uncontaminated. Free of toxins and pollutants, Himalayan salt is a pure, full-spectrum natural salt made up of all 84 minerals and trace elements. Your body recognizes these natural elements as an identical match to its own.
You can ingest Himalayan salt without worrying about disrupting your fluid balance or exacerbating high blood pressure. Here’s a list of just some of the benefits:
- Encourages healthy pH balance in your cells
- Improves blood sugar health
- Promotes respiratory health
- Supports sinus health
- Prevents muscle cramps
- Strengthens bones
- Counteracts insomnia
- Promotes heart health
- Regulates blood pressure
What About Sea Salt?
Many health-conscious consumers have already made the switch from table salt to sea salt. Unfortunately, sea salt is not as viable of an alternative as it once was. Oceans are polluted with toxins such as mercury, dioxin, and PCBs. Furthermore, 89% of sea salt manufacturers refine their product. Fact is, white, refined salt can still carry the name “sea salt” but that doesn’t mean it’s a full-spectrum, natural salt by any means—chances are it’s as devoid of nutrients as the notorious table salt.
If you’re concerned with the nutrient-value of your sea salt, take a look at the color. If it’s white like refined sugar, then trade it in for a non-white color, like the sandy brown of Celtic Sea Salt, which is a nutrient-dense source of minerals.
Himalayan salt definitely passes the color test, with its dusty pink color serving up a heap of essential minerals, like calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. So, instead of avoiding the salt, sprinkle on a bit of pink and enjoy!