Healthy Juice Alert

Healthy Juice Alert: Don’t Drink Fruit Juice if Your Health is Important to You!

Most Americans believe fruit juice is “health in a glass” — but shocking new studies say that’s simply not true.

Fruit juice contains concentrated sugar from several pieces of fruit packed into one glass — and ounce for ounce contains more calories than soda! No wonder a new study at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health says … juice drinks are as much to blame as soda for the obesity crisis. The study — published in the journal Obesity Research — disclosed that over the past 37 years, the number of calories adults get through beverages has nearly doubled.

Since 1965, adults’ intake of calories from beverages rose to 21% of total daily intake and increased overall 94 percent! And juice accounts for a much bigger piece of the beverage-calorie load than ever before. Meanwhile, the Harvard School of Public Health released a new study exposing that sugared juices raise diabetes risk by a whopping 31% — almost a third more than soft drinks, which raise diabetes risk by 24%.

“Juice is pretty much the same as sugar water,” said Dr. Charles Billington, a highly regarded appetite researcher at the University of Minnesota. In the modern diet, “there’s no need for any juice at all.”

Yet, the right kind of fruit and vegetable juices do have a lot to offer you.healthy juiceIn fact, one study published in The American Journal of Medicine found that adults who drank juice more than 3 times a week were 76% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who drank juice less than once a week. 

And the right kind of healthy juice can be incredibly healing. Those who have the time, money, and patience to juice their own fruits and vegetables reap many astounding health benefits. But daily juicing is time consuming and expensive.

Why a “Next-Generation Fruit Juice” is One of the Fastest Growing Drinks in America

In reality, you don’t have to choose between health-harming fruit juices or expensive, labor-intensive home juicing. That’s because one of America’s fastest growing drinks combines 3 of nature’s most health-giving ingredients — aloe, cranberry, and fiber. While this drink is still essentially still a fruit juice — unlike traditional fruit juices, it contains no sugarno artificial ingredients … and has only 8 calories per glass. 

Drinking fruit juices have the effect of spiking the body’s insulin levels, affecting blood sugar levels. This is what leads to the increased risk of developing not just diabetes but also cardiovascular disease. By contrast, the fiber content of the aloe-cranberry drink slows down the release of natural sugars into the bloodstream.

Sixty-year-old Stan from Lincoln, Nebraska, turned to an aloe-cranberry juice combination to get his health under control. “I’ve been struggling with high cholesterol, triglycerides, and high blood pressure for years. Acid reflux has been a problem also. I thought my situation was hopeless,” said Stan. But after 30 days of drinking the aloe-cranberry-fiber juice, Stan was amazed to see his cholesterol and blood pressure test normal. “My acid reflux isn’t as bad either,” Stan said. “My doctor said, ‘Whatever you are doing, keep it up.'”

Diane from Bronx, New York had high cholesterol for 25 years but when her total cholesterol hit 290, with LDL (bad) cholesterol at 166, she decided to take action and try aloe-cranberry juice. “I also started eating more whole grains, and more fresh fruits and vegetables,” she says. Diane says that after 3 months she was astounded at the change. “My total cholesterol was 181, the LDL dropped to 102! I’ve overcome one of the toughest medical problems in my entire family.”

The secret is not just in the fiber content of the drink … it’s in the synergistic effect of the aloe, cranberry and the fiber. You see, these nutritional wonders have been shown to help you…

  • Normalize cholesterol and boost heart health
  • Control blood sugar
  • Dramatically improve digestion and gastrointestinal health
  • Make elimination easier
  • Protect urinary tract and prostate health

A growing body of research clearly establishes aloe and cranberry as major weapons in the fight against chronic health problems. Just some of the scores of recent studies prove that the aloe and cranberry combine to deliver the following health benefits:

Boost Heart Health: Over 5 years, O.P. Agarwal M.D. gave aloe to 5,000 heart patients. After just 3 months, 93% experienced significant improvement in serum cholesterol and triglycerides. And not 1 patient suffered a fresh heart attack!

Normalizes cholesterol: Over eight weeks, University of California Davis researchers found aloe significantly improved total cholesterol by 20 points, from a borderline high 206 mg/dl to 186 mg/dl. Separately, University of Scranton researchers found that cranberry juice increased good HDL cholesterol by 10% — an improvement thought to lower the risk of heart disease by 40%.

Blood sugar control: Researchers in Thailand tested whether aloe could help diabetic patients who were unresponsive to the blood sugar drug glibenclamide. After 6 weeks the aloe group experienced a 48% drop in blood sugar levels and a 52% drop in triglycerides.

Improves Digestion: Dr. Jeffrey Bland at the Linus Pauling Institute found in a clinical trial that aloe vera makes digestion easier, helps balance acid levels and improves bowel regularity. A Russian study found aloe to be just as effective as a commonly used anti-ulcer drug, but with no toxic side effects.

Protects Urinary Tract and Prostate: Creighton University researchers found cranberry reduces the recurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) by up to 65%. A study in the British Journal of Nutrition found cranberry significantly improved all six categories of prostate health tested, including PSA levels and urinary flow rates.

Smoothes wrinkles: A new study by the South Korean FDA found that taking aloe for 3 months significantly reduced facial wrinkles and improved elasticity of the skin.

Protects against Kidney stones: Scientists at Khon Kaen University in Thailand found that drinking aloe daily may help prevent kidney stone formation by decreasing oxalate and calcium in the urine.

Supports Tooth Health: Researchers from UCLA and the University of Rochester showed that cranberry helps stop the formation of dental plaque and tooth decay by preventing the plaque causing bacteria Streptococcus mutans from sticking to teeth.

Healthy Juice : “Best in Their Class” Ingredients

However, health benefits like these are not automatic. The problem with many superfoods (including aloe, cranberry, and even fiber) … is that not all forms are created equal. For example, aloe starts losing its miraculous healing powers as soon as the leaf gets cut. The quality of cranberries varies widely by batch and variety. Additionally, the wrong kind of fiber can do more harm than good for your digestion and overall health.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure when choosing these foods that you get the best in their class. It’s advisable to choose an aloe-cranberry product that consists of carefully selected ingredients that are manufactured in patented processes that ensure bioavailability, potency, stability, and effectiveness. 

For example, the aloe used in the juice Diane used to slash her cholesterol is so pure and potent that it’s the form most commonly used in clinical settings. Likewise, the cranberry in Diane’s juice is a special high potency concentrate with twice as much active ingredients as the leading cranberry powders.

Find out more on this healthy juice and the specific aloe-cranberry combination that got Diane’s cholesterol under control, lowered Stan’s blood pressure, and is fast gaining a prominent place among the healthiest drink options for informed consumers. 

While most commercial fruit juice is packed with calories and concentrated, diabetes-triggering sugar, this aloe-cranberry juice with fiber can offer a delicious, powerful health-giving alternative with none of the perils. Find out why this healthy juice aloe-cranberry-fiber combination is becoming one of the fastest growing drinks in America.