Plant-Based Wellness

Plant-Based Wellness

Plant-Based Village™ is a trademark of Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC

avocado health benefits

Avocado Health Benefits: Is This the World’s Most Perfect Food?

Avocado’s the World's Most Perfect Food and its Health Benefits Did You Know that the avocado has been called the world's most perfect food and...
eggplant extract

A Unique Skin Cancer Treatment – Eggplant Extract

Did you know....that a remarkable ingredient in common eggplant has been shown to be an effective skin cancer treatment as well as to cure...
is soy bad for you

Fact or Myth: Is Soy Bad For You?

This is a FACT. Advertising dollars have turned soy products into a multi-billion dollar industry, but is soy bad for you? Soy is touted as...
chicken cancer

Fact or Myth: Can Eating Chicken Cause Cancer?

This is a FACT. Would you like your chicken traditional, crispy, or extra-cancerous? It sounds like a bad dream at KFC, but unfortunately, it’s true: Consuming...
spider vein treatment

Natural Spider Vein Treatment: Get Rid of Spider Veins With Butcher’s Broom

You can once again wear shorts or skirts with confidence! All you need is a safe, natural spider vein treatment. If you have struggled with...
improve eyesight

Improve Your Eyesight and Get Sharp Eagle Eyes With This Unique Protectant

Remember the old cartoon character Popeye? Every time he needed some added strength he'd pop open a can of spinach. But strength isn't the only...

Red Clover Health Benefits, Including Cancer Prevention!

Did You Know...that Red Clover is an age-old folk remedy and a promising cancer treatment? Every well-stocked medicine cabinet should have either a tincture of...

Aronia Berry: The New Berry on the Block

Did You Know...that a little-known American berry is loaded with so much antioxidant fuel it can improve the function of the circulatory, respiratory and...
Beverly Hills Mega Weightloss System

How Dark Chocolate Can Boost Your Metabolism

When you go on a traditional “diet” it seems that everything even remotely delicious is removed from your menu. Most people cut their caloric...
chia health benefits

Cha Cha Chia…Chia Is Not Only A Fun Plant – Chia Health Benefits Range...

Did You Know...a forgotten staple of the ancient Aztec diet can help control diabetes, boost energy, and improve overall health? The incredible healing benefits of...