Natural Treatment for Cancer – Pau d’Arco

A South American Indian folk medicine called Pau d’Arco is being used by physicians as a natural treatment for cancer. It has successfully treated various forms of cancer — including leukemia — as well as other debilitating diseases.

Pau d’Arco is a natural herb derived from the inner bark of the TabebuiaImpetiginosa or TabebuiaAvellanedae trees, also known as taheebo. Taheebo refers to flowering trees belonging to the Bignoniaceaefamily. The trees are most commonly found in Central and South America, but may also be grown in southern Florida.

History of Pau d’Arco as a natural cancer treatment

Pau d’Arco has been used throughout history by Indio tribes of South America, as well as the ancient Incas and Aztecs. The bark is dried, shredded, and then boiled to produce a tea known as Lapacho. Pau d’Arco’s medicinal qualities are derived from its main active ingredients, namely lapachol, quercetin, and other flavonoids.

According to medical reports published in South American periodicals, Pau d’Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for cancer victims — including complete remission of cancerous tumors and alleviation of chemotherapy’s adverse effects.

Prior to the discovery of its anti-cancer properties, the Pau d’Arco species of trees was primarily used for timber. Due to the Pau d’Arco wood’s insect resistance and durability, it has, and still continues to be used for furniture, decking, and other outdoor uses.

Reports of Pau d’Arco’s medicinal properties were first published in 1873 by Dr. Joaquin Almeida Pinto, who prescribed it for fevers, rheumatic disorders, ulcers and skin disorders like herpes, eczema and the mange.

How Pau d’Arco was shown to consistently eliminate cancer in 30 days

In the early 1960s, the miraculous story of a young girl from Rio de Janeiro (who was stricken with cancer) surfaced. The medical establishment had told the girl’s parents there was nothing more they could do for her, and that her cancer was in the advanced, terminal phase.

One of the girl’s relatives, however, contacted an Indian tribal doctor who said that cancer could be cured with Pau d’Arco. The girl’s parents made a brew from the bark pieces given by the medicine man and gave it to the girl to drink. After taking the herbal tea every morning, the girl’s pain disappeared — and within a month, she was restored to health, and her physician declared her cancer-free.

Stunned by the news of the girl’s miraculous recovery from cancer, Dr. Orlando deiSanti took samples of the Pau d’Arco bark to the Municipal Hospital of Santo Andre, a suburb of Sao Paulo, where he was a resident physician.

His cancer-stricken brother was a patient of the hospital, and his cancer was both inoperable and terminal. Dr. deiSanti boiled the bark in white wine, combined the tea with orange juice and gave it to his brother to drink. His brother’s pain disappeared immediately, and after a month of the Pau d’Arco treatment, a thorough examination found no trace of cancer in his body.

Thereafter, Dr. deiSanti began using Pau d’Arcoas a natural treatment for cancer patients. Other doctors learned of Pau d’Arco’s curative powers, and subsequently joined deiSanti’s cancer-fighting team. Working together, they were able to cure several cancer patients, many of whom were terminally ill.

Medical documentation accompanied the patients’ cures. In the decades that followed, Pau d’Arco (Lapacho) has become accepted as a standard form of prescribed treatment for certain forms of cancer and infections because of the work done by Dr. Orlando deiSanti at the Municipal Hospital in Santo Andre.

The Amazing Benefits of Pau d’Arco

The physicians prescribing Pau d’Arco observed that the pain suffered by cancer patients (particularly leukemia) disappeared within hours after the tea was administered to them.

They also noticed that almost without fail, most patients no longer showed any symptoms of cancer within 30 days of treatment. Also to their amazement, they noticed that many of the other ailments from which some of the cancer patients suffered — such as diabetes and diseases that were caused by viruses — were healed even more rapidly than the cancer!

Clinical studies conducted in the 90s have proven the cancer-destroying ability of Pau d’Arco. Taheebo Japan Company, Ltd. located in Osaka, Japan conducted clinical laboratory tests at Tokyo University and other medical laboratories.

They proved that a tea containing constituents extracted from the Pau d’Arco tree bark “remarkably inhibits the growth” and “exhibits selective toxicity” of 23 specific types of cancer cells including breast, prostate, cervical, ovarian, lung, pancreatic, thyroid, urinary bladder and renal cancer cells, as well as lymphoma and leukemia.

It was also found to “inhibit the growth almost completely” and “cause necrosis (death)” in 12 specific types of malignant cancer tumors. The clinical studies culminated in the issuance of a U.S. Patent to Taheebo Japan Company on September 2, 1997 for their Pau d’Arco tea product called “NFD.”

In addition to being a natural treatment for cancer, Pau d’Arco also has medicinal value because of its antioxidant, anti-viral, antimicrobial, anti-parisiticidal, analgesic, laxative, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects that alleviate a diverse array of health problems.

In his book titled The Healing Power of Pau d’Arco, author Walter Lubeck stated that there isn’t just one individual “miracle active ingredient” in Pau d’Arco responsible for all the healing benefits.

Its wide spectrum healing power comes from the balanced state and harmonious combination of the substances contained within the bark. If the components are used in an isolated manner, instead of holistically, the synergistic healing power is lost.

The Pau d’Arco website recommends the following dosage for maximum benefits from Pau d’Arco:

Drink 1 cup (8 ozs) of Pau d’Arco tea 2 to 8 times per day. Use 1 tablespoon of loose bark per 8 ozs of water, slow boiled for 20 minutes. When using an extract, follow the directions given on the product’s label. As a tincture (1:5 ratio), take 1 mL 2-3 times per day. In capsule or pill form, take 1000mg 3 times a day.