A Simple Acid Shown to Hault and Even Prevent Alzheimer’s

Did You Know…that a powerful antioxidant known as alpha lipoic acid might prevent Alzheimer’s?

Promising new research indicates that alpha lipoic acid (ALA) can repair nerve damage, prevent declines in vision, and possibly even ward off Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease has two well-recognized biochemical markers—oxidative stress and neuronal energy depletion. Experts believe that pro-energetic, antioxidant substances such as ALA may be able to address both of these issues.

As a result, ALA is thought to be able to delay the onset and/or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, may even prevent Alzheimer’s all together. prevent alzheimer's

ALA—A Powerhouse Among Antioxidants

ALA is a powerhouse antioxidant that converts blood sugar into metabolic energy. Unlike other well-known antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, ALA can actually recycle other antioxidants once the body has depleted them.

In addition, ALA is one of the rare fat-soluble substances that can penetrate the blood brain barrier. Since the brain is made primarily of fatty tissue, this makes ALA a prime candidate for combating neurological damage.

Some practitioners already use ALA to help repair brain function in stroke victims. ALA also shows promise for its capacity to:

  • Protect against and repair nerve damage
  • Heal neuropathy from traumatic injuries
  • Repair diabetes-related degeneration
  • Repair functional damage caused by toxic pharmaceuticals

A Brief History of ALA and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

ALA’s protective benefits can prevent Alzheimer’s disease and have been a popular subject of study for several years.

Researchers theorize that ALA can halt, or even reverse, brain damage. ALA accomplishes this by preventing oxidative stress, and by stopping the growth and spread of damaging free radicals.

One of the first experiments that tested the theory of ALA’s effects on brain health was conducted over the course of about 12 months. The researchers gave patients 600 milligrams of ALA daily during the span of the study. At the conclusion, neuropsychological tests indicated the condition of the participants actually began stabilizing, rather than declining—as is expected with this tragic progressive disease.

These highly promising results motivated researchers to continue testing ALA as an alternative way to prevent Alzheimer’s.

A follow-up study to the one described above was conducted by researchers from the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Geriatrics in Hannover, Germany. The German team extended the observation period to 48 months. Once again, they found that ALA caused Alzheimer’s progression to be “dramatically lower than among untreated patients or those on a different treatment regimen.”

The team concluded that ALA appears to be a “successful ‘neuroprotective’ therapy option for AD (Alzheimer’s disease).”

ALA Does Much More Than Protect Against Alzheimer’s…

ALA protects and improves health in numerous critical ways.

It is known to:

    • Flush out heavy metals
    • Balance blood sugar
    • Level out insulin sensitivity
    • Protect against and repair nerve damage to the eyes
    • Boost bone density
    • Promote cardiovascular health
    • Restore reserves of glutathione (the master antioxidant)
    • Capture and eliminate free radicals

How To Take ALA

The body generates ALA on its own, and some foods also contain ALA, including broccoli, spinach, peas, Brewer’s yeast, Brussels sprouts, rice bran, and organ meats.

But experts say that therapeutic amounts of ALA are best obtained through supplements. You can find ALA supplements in capsule form at health food stores, some drug stores, and online.

For maximum absorption, practitioners suggest taking ALA supplements on an empty stomach.