Natural Antifungal Oil Used to Treat Nail Infections
You may think that cosmetic companies add this essential oil to their products primarily to give them a pleasant aroma. But this oil has more than just a pretty smell. It also has antioxidant, mild sedative, and antispasmodic qualities. That means it can treat a myriad of complaints, including headaches, colds, aching muscles, and bug bites.
Now, scientists from Portugal have found another use for it. It destroys fungi.
If you have a fungal infection in a nail, on your feet (Athlete’s foot), or on your scalp, this antifungal oil may be more effective — and safer — than an antifungal drug. And it doesn’t cause antifungal resistance like drugs do. So if you have a fungal infection that won’t clear up, try this remedy.
I’m talking about none other than lavender oil, and it’s easily available. In fact, you can find it in most health food stores. I wouldn’t be without it. I think it belongs in everyone’s natural pharmacy.
There aren’t a lot of antifungal drugs that treat infections. And many of the ones you can find have side effects. But side effects are rare with lavender. A mild skin irritation is one possibility that you can eliminate simply by diluting it in a little olive oil (one drop of lavender oil to one teaspoon of olive oil).
Because it’s such an effective sedative, it’s best to stop using it a week or two before any surgery. You don’t want to be taking an herbal sedative along with anesthesia.
The antifungal oil, lavender oil works by destroying fungal cells. It does this by damaging the cell membrane. Although its scent is mild, lavender is actually a potent plant with broad-spectrum antifungal activity.
Expect to see herbal antifungal products containing lavender oil in the future. Meanwhile, you can rid yourself of annoying fungi with little risk of side effects.
Dr. Fuchs co-founded one of the first holistic health centers in the United States in 1976. She writes the monthly newsletter Women’s Health Letter. For more info, click here.