Don’t Fall for this Heart Healthy Myth

Have You Fallen for This
Healthy Heart Myth?

The Answer May Surprise You!

If you take CoQ10 to support your heart health, you are shortchanging your cardiovascular system.  It’s true that CoQ10 is good for your heart, but it’s also costly.  When you take CoQ10, you’re paying a hefty price for minimal protection.  Don’t buy into the myth!

Why CoQ10 Falls Short 

Although CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, it only provides one-dimensional support for your heart.  It has no effect whatsoever on key cardiovascular health markers such as…

  • Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • C-reactive proteins

Before it becomes a nutritional supplement, CoQ10 it must undergo considerable processing.  Your body cannot reap the same benefits from processed nutrients as it does from natural ones, especially those found in whole founds and specialty supplements.

Beware:  many CoQ10 products are made using ubiquinol, the natural form of CoQ10.  While that might lead you to think these products will be better for you, there’s a problem with that rationale that manufacturers would prefer you not know about.  Ubiquinol is natural, but it easily oxidizes when exposed to oxygen, making it unstable and less effective.

Synthetic COQ10 is more stable—and less expensive—but it’s also loaded with hazardous substances such as alkaloid nicotine that can increase your risk of developing diseases.  Hardly surprising, considering it’s sourced from tobacco leaves!

Whether synthetic or natural, the risks of taking CoQ10 may outweigh the benefits.  It has been linked to some unpleasant side effects, including rashes and diarrhea.  Individuals taking more than 100 mg a day may experience mild insomnia.  Research indicates that the more you take, and the longer you take it for, the more serious the adverse effects!  Testing revealed that people taking doses of 300 mg daily for an extended period of time had unnaturally elevated levels of liver enzymes!

The 7 Essential Components of Heart Health  

The upside of the revelations about CoQ10 is that they’ve highlighted the qualities that truly effective cardioprotective nutritional supplements must posses.  In order to fully support the health of your heart, a supplement must accomplish seven essential functions…

#1 Improve “good” (HDL) cholesterol:  A very good HDL number, meaning a number above 60, is one of the best ways to protect the health of your heart and arteries for life.  But it’s very difficult to even get HDL over 45 if you didn’t inherit the genes for it.

#2 Balance your ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol:  Most people think total cholesterol is important, but a study from the Journal of Cardiology showed it to be worthless in determining your risk of heart disease.  What really counts are your ratios.  At minimum, your HDL cholesterol ratio should be above 25, and ideally, in the 30s, while your triglyceride to HDL ratio should be below 2.

#3 Flush out triglycerides:  If you’re overweight, chances are you have high levels of triglycerides (the fat molecules in your blood).  Not only can triglycerides cause clotting, but research now suggests that these molecules may block the hormone that signals your brain that you’re full.

#4 Reduce clotting:  One of the best things you can do to prevent a heart attack is to reduce clotting.  Clots, from fatty cholesterol deposits, are one of the main culprits for out-of-the-blue heart attacks because today’s medical devices can’t detect them.

#5 Regulate C-reactive protein (CRP):  CRP is one of the main markers for cardio inflammation.  When you regulate CRP, you get better blood flow and circulation—pumping more oxygen and nutrients to your heart, brain, eyes, and even your hands and feet.

#6 Normalize blood pressure:  Having normal blood pressure, around 120 over 80, is one of the best ways to protect your health and your heart.

#7 Support healthy response to inflammation:  Recent research reveals that inflammation in the artery walls is the real cause of heart disease.  Maintaining an appropriate inflammatory response allows your blood to flow more smoothly, which reduces the stress on your heart.

Don’t Settle for Partial Protection 

Now that you know what your heart truly requires for optimum health, you may feel daunted by the prospect of meeting those needs.  Fortunately, there’s a new solution that fulfills all seven heart-saving functions in one convenient serving.  This potent, combined approach gives you the most comprehensive lineup of cardiovascular benefits available.  Click here for the simple solution for whole heart protection, and boost your overall cardiovascular health today!