Joint pain is miserable, and millions of people have their day ruined by it, every day. So it’s no surprise that so many varying opinions for joint pain remedies and advertisements about how to solve this problem fly around. After all their searching, the sufferers of joint pain usually end up confused and poorer…and still suffering.
Even if you’re not already a victim of this debilitating condition, it’s only a question of time before all of us are affected in some way because our joint tissue (cartilage) eventually wears out, much like a shock absorber on a car does.
So let’s cut through all the clutter and lies about this- let’s look at the FACTS. These four uncontested facts will reveal a surprising solution to the problem that’s hard to deny…
FACT 1: It’s Not About Joints Exactly…
Let’s begin by busting a BIG myth. Until now, many folks have been sent on a wild goose chase, in my opinion. See, your joints aren’t really the problem; the problem is what’s between them; cartilage, the connective tissue between your joints that cushions impacts and grinding, and eases flow of movement.
You feel pain in your joints usually because of inflammation caused by cartilage damage and erosion. By taking painkillers, all you’re doing is masking the pain; you’re not fixing the cause, only the symptoms.
If we’re numb to the pain, we aren’t heeding the body’s warnings: that the cartilage tissue is compromised and in need of repair. Once the cartilage wears too much, the bones will jar against each other, and the pain gets even worse.
Make sense? Okay, next fact…
FACT 2: Your Cartilage is Formed by This Gene…
I’m going to speak a bit of ‘genetic jargon’ now, but please bear with me- it’s very simple and very important to understand…
Through a complex process that’s had scientists scratching their heads for decades, your cartilage is formed mostly by a gene called “COL2A1”. Think of this as the blueprint your body needs to form what’s in cartilage.
When this gene is turned on, cartilage is created to cushion the joints and helping in being one of the best joint pain remedies.
This is the original cartilage building block…and if your joints are starting to grind and burn like a pair of rusty brakes—that’s a sign that you might need it now more than ever.
Without the COL2A1 gene ‘turned on’ cartilage simply cannot be built. Cartilage predominantly is COL2A1.
FACT 3: Genes can be Activated in Your Body…
I’m sure you’re aware of the incredible and controversial new advances taking place today: biotech, genetic therapy, unlocking the human genome… things are becoming reality that we could’ve only dreamed of not so long ago. The world is rapidly changing, and the rules are changing with it…
Genetic science illustrates just what a high-tech piece of equipment our bodies are.
Yes, our bodies our complex machines. But you know, like any piece of high-tech equipment, it can often simply be a matter of pushing the right buttons to get the desired effect.
It’s a FACT that cartilage is made from COL2A1, and it’s a FACT that COL2A1 is turned on by a specific sequence in your body.
FACT 4: When This Gene is Activated Inflammation Reduces…
And there’s another gene called “CD44” that can be activated, and when it is, inflammation reduces greatly. That’s because this gene is critical to the fluid in your joints that acts as a shock absorber, along with the cartilage.
Furthermore, when blended with the right ‘fuel’, the CD44 gene also drives cartilage production. Cartilage would be weak and dysfunctional without this gene turned on. Gene CD44 is abundant in your body, but it needs a crucial compound to function properly that I’ll tell you about in just a second.
So, those 4 FACTS tell you all you need to know about joint pain remedies…
Those are the uncontested FACTS.
Those facts are all a matter of public record and I invite you to check them out for yourself. Nobody and no institution can argue otherwise. Those are the FACTS.
If you’d like to know how these genes could be switched on, you’ll find more information here…
About the Author
James Sheridan is a best-selling author and publisher of one of the newest and freshest health exposes on the internet, The Health Whistleblower. In this role James spends much of his time examining health care myths, cover ups, and exposing the corporate takeover of health care.