A Unique Skin Cancer Treatment – Eggplant Extract

Did you know….that a remarkable ingredient in common eggplant has been shown to be an effective skin cancer treatment as well as to cure skin cancer?

Not only does a phytochemical in eggplant cure skin cancer…but Australians have been using it successfully for decades to cure their skin cancers without surgery!

The healing extract from eggplant was discovered by Dr. Bill E. Cham.

Dr. Cham’s interest was sparked by stories he heard about folk medicine cures from Australian farmers. According to the farmers, eye cancers in cattle could be healed completely by applying a poultice made from the fruit of a plant known as Devil’s Apple (Solanum linnaeanum). Devil’s Apple belongs to the Solanacea family, whose other members include vegetables such as tomatoes and…you guessed it, eggplant.

The cancer-fighting health benefits of eggplant extract is a phytochemical called solasodine glycoside, or BEC5—and it is especially potent against skin cancer.

How BEC5 Kills Cancer Cells

BEC5 works like a stealth bomber against cancer cells. First, it bonds to a receptor on the surface of the cancer cell, making itself available as “food” for the cancer cell. However, as soon as the cancer cell digests the health benefits of eggplant extract, the BEC5 causes the cell to rupture. skin cancer treatment

Once the cancer cell destroys itself, the body simply reabsorbs it. Fortunately, BEC5 is able to kill cancer cells without damaging healthy cells.

Scientific studies have confirmed that BEC5 cures skin cancer. It has proven effective in treating over 80,000 cases of skin cancer treatment. These patients were able to avoid surgery through this natural, alternative, plant-based treatment!

The health benefits of eggplant was effective against both invasive skin cancers and non-invasive, non-melanoma skin cancers. In all cases, the cancers went into remission. Furthermore, and even better, none of the cancers that were studied returned.

An Ounce of Prevention…Worth it Every Time!

BEC5 can also be used to treat actinic keratosis, the precursor to cancer, as well as age or sunspots on the skin, according to homeopathic physician and medical journal editor Melanie Grimes.

“Actinic keratoses are a possible predictor of skin cancer treatment. These red patches caused by sun exposure are made of abnormal cells that can mutate into malignant cells in the basal, or lower layers of the skin,” says Grimes.

“Squamous cell carcinomas are another common form of skin cancer, and one that causes nearly 2,000 deaths annually. This wart-type growth has irregular borders and can also be treated with the eggplant extract.”

BEC5 has been used as a cream for more than 25 years in Australia and the United Kingdom.

  • Clinical trials have shown BEC5 to have a 78% success rate when applied for 8 weeks.
  • When applied for 12 weeks, the cream had a 100% success rate in removing cancers. And none of the cancers returned over the course of the next 5 years.

In the United States, more than a million new cases of non-melanoma skin cancers are diagnosed annually. Skin cancer is so epidemic that 1 out of 3 Caucasians are now expected to develop skin cancer in their lifetimes. Among men over 50, skin cancer is now more common than cancer of the lung, prostate, or colon.

Imagine that a remedy as simple and natural as eggplant extract could heal cancer without surgery, restoring health and peace of mind!

Finding and Using BEC5: Tips and Cautions

The BEC5 cream developed and tested by Dr. Cham is called Curaderm, and it can be found online without a prescription. In the United States, the FDA allows for Curaderm to be marketed for the treatment of keratoses but not for skin cancer treatment.

If you do suspect you have a cancerous lesion and want to treat it with BEC5, health practitioners strongly recommend that you consult with a doctor before treating yourself.

Your doctor can perform a biopsy to determine whether a skin lesion is cancerous, and, if so, to confirm the type of cancer you have. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Experts do not recommend BEC5 treatment for melanoma because this type of cancer spreads so fast and once it spreads, it is often fatal. Therefore, surgery is recommended instead.

Certain other skin cancer treatment may also require surgery. For this reason, health practitioners recommend seeing a doctor first for a biopsy to confirm cancer type before beginning any home treatment.