Fact or Myth: Can Arsenic Cure Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia?

This is a Fact.

Arsenic is familiar to most of us as a chemical toxin that is notoriously poisonous to all multi-cellular organisms, both human and non-human. It is a well-known carcinogen that can kill if administered improperly.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that continual contact with arsenic through contaminated drinking water has been linked to skin, lung, bladder and kidney cancer.

But a special form of arsenic, known as arsenic trioxide, has been curing leukemia for the past ten years. Its success rate as a cancer cure is outstanding, with 90% of cancer patients living cancer-free for at least 5 years after treatment.

This alternative remedy, which in recent years has become increasingly mainstream, does not cause the unwanted side effects that chemotherapy does, such as hair loss or suppression of bone marrow function.

Arsenic is a heavy metal found in the earth’s crust, soil and minerals. It is typically used in industrial applications, such as pesticides and wood preservatives. acute promyelocytic leukemia

The Chinese have been using arsenic for over 3000 years, treating diseases such as syphilis and psoriasis. Its benefit as a cancer cure, however, has only come to light in the last few decades.

In 1992, Chinese doctors found that arsenic trioxide is an impressive remedy for a special type of blood and bone marrow cancer called acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Of the 32 patients treated with arsenic, 16 survived more than 5 years without undergoing any additional treatment.

Arsenic’s Therapeutic Cancer Healing Properties

Report after report followed attesting to arsenic’s therapeutic properties, until the United States took notice and completed its own trial, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. After 12 to 39 days of arsenic treatment, 11 out of 12 patients’ acute promyelocytic leukemia went into total remission.

Scientists have since discovered that arsenic delivers the most benefit when used after the initial standard cancer treatment, a protocol typically consisting of chemotherapy and an oral vitamin A compound.

A 2010 study conducted by Dr. Bayard L. Powell, professor of hematology and oncology at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, discovered that patients who were prescribed arsenic soon after initial treatment with chemotherapy not only did not have a cancer relapse, but also lived longer.

Now that arsenic’s status as a cancer cure was secure, scientists set out to discover just how arsenic communicates with cancer cells. Researchers at the State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics in Shanghai, China used modern technology to uncover the mystery.

Acute promyelocytic leukemia is distinguished by the blending of two proteins: PML and RARA proteins. Lead researcher Zhang Xiaowei explained that arsenic cures cancer by destroying the proteins that keep cancer active.

Please be aware that arsenic therapy is not to be used as a home remedy, but administered by a qualified health care provider only. When used improperly, arsenic is a heavy metal toxin that can affect the nerves, induce swelling in the heart, and lead to brain degeneration.

A Warning About Exposure

If you feel you have been exposed to arsenic – by breathing the toxin in from sawdust or smoke from wood treated with arsenic, or ingesting contaminated water, or if you live near rocks with high levels of arsenic, or if you work where arsenic is produced or widely used – there are several ways to rid your body of this toxic buildup.

  • Consume chelating substances under the supervision of your doctor. These substances latch on to toxins and flush them from the body.
  • Eat a diet high in fiber and sulfur rich foods, which protect cells and eliminate toxic buildup.