Question and Answers:
- When do I get paid and is their a minimum?
- How do the commission tiers work?
- How do I refer someone so they are my second tier?
- What do I do if I forgot my password?
- How do I log into my affiliate center?
- Are there any Terms of Service that I should read before promoting any of the products?
- How do I use the creative in the Links and Tools Section of the Affiliate Center and pull out my links with my unique tracking on it?
- For Ads: You can copy the html coding for any ad that you would like to use by Simply coping and pasting the code below that section into your website or particular application. Or you can just copy the words and then grab the tracking link out of the html. You would take the link that appears after:
<img src="
app/?Imp=4083139" border="0" alt="" width="0" height="0" />
See highlighted part as example. You can then hyperlink part of the ad to the link above.
NOTE: link above is an example link… It does not have your personal affiliate code on it. - For Text Links: Again you can copy the html coding for any text link that you would like by Simply coping and pasting the code below that section into your website or particular application. Or you can just grab the link out of the html. See example:
<a href="
"> Universal Cure Video - RKL
. The highlighted part would have your affiliate coding on it. - For Banner Ads: Again you can simply copy and paste the html coding, or can simply copy right click and save the banner as a picture. When using banner ads you must take the “a src” link so that the image actually appears. You can find the src link in the coding below the image. You will then need to grab the link as well, so it will lead to the landing page of the product and have your unique affiliate coding on it.
Commission checks are issued between the first or second of the month (for the previous months sales) so you should recieve payment within a week after the end of that month. Our minimum threshold for sending out an affiliate check is $50.00. If you earned less than $50.00, we will watil until you accrue a total of $50.00 before sending out your commission.
First Tier Commission is when you promote the product and earn 50% commission on each book you sell. Second Tier Commission is when you refer another affiliate to sign up, and you would receive a 10% commission on any sales they generate.
First login to your affiliate center. Once you are logged in, click on Links and Tools at the top of the page. Then click on Text Links. Find the text link labeled: “Second Tier Affiliate Link Signup”. This is the link you should use when you want to sign up second tier affiliates. You earn 10% on the sales of your second tier affiliates. You can simply copy and paste the code in the section below in your particular application, or you can grab the tracking link out of the html.
Please email our affiliate manager, Jamie Martorano at and she will send you your welcome letter again which will include your username and password.
You can login here:
Yes, please click here to read the Terms of Service.
There are two options:
1. Using the default link is the easiest way to send out a link with out using any HTML coding. Your default link is located at the top of the affiliate cart once you hit the Links and Tools tab. It will say Media Type: Standard Affiliate Link. Then grab the link under the part that states: Simply copy and paste the code below into your website or your particular application. This link has your unique affiliate coding on it.
2. If you are looking for certain creative to use to promote the One Minute Cure you can follow the directions below. Click on Links and Tools.
- NOTE: link above is an example link… It does not have your personal affiliate code on it.
Example for grabbing the link to the Cancer Cure Video: Once you log in, you can click on LINKS & TOOLS and then click on TEXT LINKS (on the top of the page) and go to the 2nd page.
You can grab the link under the section titled: Cancer Cure Video.
You can simply copy and paste the code below into your particular application or grab the link that appears in between the coding <a href="
"> Cancer Cure Video
. The highlighted link will have your unique affiliate tracking.
For further questions please contact the Affiliate Manager, Jamie Martorano at