Jin Shin Jyutsu: An Ancient Healing Touch Therapy Based on Acupuncture

Did you know….that an ancient type of touch therapy known as “Acupuncture’s Mighty Ancestor” is so powerful it can even relieve cancer patients of pain, nausea, and stress?

Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is an incredibly unique form of touch therapy that—unlike other touch therapy—involves no manipulation of muscles or tissues.

This highly subtle healing modality uses only minimal pressure, and yet is powerful enough to relieve some of the most intense suffering, even in cancer patients.

Jin Shin Jyutsu: Acupuncture’s Mighty Ancestor

The central philosophy of JSJ is to harmonize the life energy within the body—which is similar to the philosophy of acupuncture. According to JSJ Master Jiro Murai, that similarity may be because JSJ is acupuncture’s ancestor. Master Jiro Murai, who rediscovered JSJ at the beginning of the 20th century, believes the therapy predates not only acupuncture, but also Buddha and Moses.

JSJ practitioners lightly touch 52 energetic points (called Safety Energy Locks) on the patient’s body. The practitioner’s hands act as “jumper cables,” contacting the locks in a predetermined “flow” to redirect or unblock energy channels. jin shin jyutsu

In the early 1960s, Master Murai’s first student, a woman named Mary Burmeister, introduced JSJ to the United States. Gradually, mainstream medicine began to take note of this powerful treatment.

In the 1990s, the California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) in San Francisco began offering JSJ as a supportive treatment to its patients. The results were so incredible that CPMC began using JSJ to treat even the most fragile patients, such as pre- and post-operative heart transplant patients and patients in intensive care.

Today, highly regarded integrative practitioners such as Dr. Andrew Weil tout JSJ’s profound health benefits.

JSJ Helps Cancer Patients

You know that old saying about the cure being worse than the disease? For many cancer patients who undergo conventional treatments, nothing could be more true. Jennifer Bradley, an integrative touch therapy practitioner at the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center, is committed to solving this terrible problem.

In June of this year, Bradley completed a study on a kind of touch therapy called Jin Shin Jyutsu. After just one Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) session, patients reported significant improvements in pain, stress and nausea. Subsequent visits continued to help with those symptoms. Best of all, JSJ added none of the “additional unwanted effects that so often occur with medication interventions,” Bradley said.

Who Can Benefit from JSJ?

Everyone can benefit from JSJ, because its primary benefit is powerful relaxation—which benefits the entire body and all of its systems. However, JSJ can be especially useful as a complementary treatment for specific health concerns including:

  • Chronic or acute pain
  • Asthma and other respiratory disorders
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Sexual dysfunction

For those of you who are shy about disrobing in front of strangers, fear not: the only items you’ll have to remove are your shoes—and all hand placements are done over clothing. A typical JSJ session lasts about one hour. A practitioner will begin by “listening” to the energy pulses in your wrist, and will then choose a “flow” appropriate for your particular energy rhythm.

In his article on JSJ and other types of energy medicine, Dr. Andrew Weil offers a piece of very valuable reminder: anyone can call himself or herself an energy healer and advertise for clients. Before scheduling a session with a potential practitioner, ask about their credentials, training and professional experience.