Did You Know…this colorful vegetable contains the key to fixing out-of-control blood sugar levels?
From “don’t judge a book by its cover” to “appearances can be deceiving,” conventional wisdom warns us not to correlate an attractive outside with inner goodness. But when it comes to a certain leafy, rainbow-hued vegetable, the showy outside is the direct result of the potent health goodness it contains.
The vibrant rainbow of colors chard displays in the dark green of its leaves and the reds, purples, and yellows of its stalks and veins indicate a wealth of flavonoids (nutritional plant pigments). Recent research reveals that the leaves of Swiss chard hold an abundance of syringic acid, an antioxidant that has incredible blood sugar stabilizing properties.
All in all, chard contains 13 types of antioxidants and 9 kinds of betalains—all of which have antioxidant… anti-inflammatory… and detoxifying powers.
It’s no surprise chard contains such a multitude of health-promoting compounds, it belongs to the chenopod family which also includes famous superfoods like spinach, quinoa, and beets. |
Research Confirms Chard Can Help Treat Diabetes
Swiss chard is also a valuable source of plant fiber and protein, both of which maintain steady blood sugar levels by facilitating a proper digestive pace. Other studies indicate that chard extracts could cause the regeneration of pancreatic beta-cells (responsible for the production of insulin). Chard extracts may also be able to protect the liver from damage.
The results of these studies are cause for excitement. After all, without an adequate supply of insulin, it’s impossible to regulate blood sugar. That, combined with its potential liver-protecting capacity, make chard a uniquely promising treatment for diabetes.
Better Served Boiled
Swiss chard also holds a measurable dose of oxalates. These naturally occurring substances are found in a small number of plants; when too high a concentration builds up in bodily fluids, health problems can occur. Because of this, experts recommend boiling Swiss chard, rather than consuming it raw.