Amla: The Anti-Aging Berry

Did You Know…that a single Aurvedic herbal remedy called Amla is one of the best anti-aging and overall rejuvenators you can take on a daily basis to detoxify your body … fight hyperacidity … build muscle … lower cholesterol … and combat cancer?

One of the most powerful rejuvenating agents known to man is packed into one of nature’s tiniest berries.  Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn. or Phyllanthus emblica Linn), is arguably the most important medicinal plant in Ayurveda, the Indian traditional system of medicine.  So says a May 2011 article titled, “Amla, A Wonder Berry in the Treatment and Prevention of Cancer” published in the European journal Cancer Prevention.

In Ayurvedic medicine, amla is used successfully for a vast number of indications, including the following:

  • Supporting cardiovascular health
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Enhancing food absorption
  • Balancing stomach acid
  • Fortifying and detoxifying the liver
  • Nourishing the brain and improving mental functioning

Amla: A Powerful Antioxidant Agent 

Many of amla’s outstanding health benefits stem from the fact that it has one of the richest concentrations of vitamin C of any edible plant on Earth.  It also contains many minerals and vitamins such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and vitamin B complex.  As a result, amla is a powerful antioxidant agent.

Amla’s ability to scavenge free radicals and repair oxidative damage not only slows aging, but holds additional promise in the fight against cancer, as well.