This is MYTH.
So many choices in the bread aisle—white bread, wheat bread, whole grain bread, oat bread, multigrain bread…which to choose? If it’s whole grains you are looking for, then your safest bet is to go for the bread that specifies whole grains on the packaging, and the term multigrain doesn’t necessarily count.
The Difference Between Whole Grain and Multigrain
Whole grain indicates that the entire grain has been kept intact, with bran, endosperm, and germ. Multigrain, on the other hand, simply means that more than one type of grain was used, and that may include less nutritionally packed refined grains.
What’s the healthiest option? Your safest bet is to stick with whole grains, which contain more of the fiber, B vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body desires. The Mayo Clinic recommends consuming three 1-ounce (28 gram) servings of whole grains a day.
How to Be Sure You’re Getting Whole Grain
Check your ingredient labels. Make sure that the first ingredient listed contains the word “whole” as in “100% whole wheat.” You can also look for the Whole Grains Council Stamp of approval. The Whole Grains Council Stamp is a yellow and black logo that indicates at least half a serving of whole grains are in the product.
Just because a product says multigrain, doesn’t mean it is bad for you. Simply check out the labels. If “whole” is listed before each of the grains, you are getting whole grain multigrains! One more reason to be an ingredient-savvy consumer.