Did You Know…that specific eye movements can heal the emotional traumas underlying 95% of all diseases?
It may sound fantastical that you can heal your mind and body with simple eye movements. The power of the body-mind connection has been proven beyond doubt. This connection is the foundation of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR—one of the most revolutionary healing techniques of our time.
EMDR can heal virtually any emotional trauma. This is key to optimal health because our emotions—anger, grief, resentment, and hate—create cellular memories. These cellular memories are believed to be the cause of 95% of all diseases. EMDR has proven effective in releasing emotional traumas stored in cellular memories. It is especially effective with post-traumatic stress disorder.
“Our best hope for healing incurable illness and disease in the future might very well lie in finding a way to heal destructive cellular memories,” said Dr. John Sarno, Ph.D., New York University. “If you can heal that cellular memory, then the illness or disease or chronic pain is very likely to heal.”
How EMDR Works
Emotional experiences are stored in the nervous system and can be released by alternately activating the opposite sides of the brain. EMDR does this by using right/left eye movement. This stimulates the neurophysiologic system—or the “mind-body” connection.
As a result, your body is freed to heal itself of physical illness and diseases. “EMDR is the most revolutionary, important method to emerge in psychotherapy in decades,” says Herbert Fensterheim, Ph.D., of Cornell University.
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What to Expect from an EMDR Session
The first step in EMDR therapy is revisiting the trauma that underlies the current problem. The client recalls the negative thoughts, feelings, and memories associated with the incident. Then the therapist begins with a simple eye-movement exercise, holding his or her fingers apart and moving them back and forth in front of the client’s gaze. The client visually tracks the therapist’s hand movements while focusing on the memory.
As exercise continues, painful feelings are replaced with greater calm, peace, and resolution. Sometimes people can completely resolve their trauma in a single hour-long session. Some people need 5 or 10 sessions in order to reach full emotional resolution.
You don’t need to delve into the trauma of the past and spend years digging through painful memories. Instead, EMDR activates the brain’s information-processing system and allows you to make swift changes that don’t disappear over time.
Licensed EMDR therapists can be found through the EMDR Institute’s website or through recommendations from your health care provider.