Did You Know…that if you suffer from acid reflux (also called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD), shifting your sleeping position can eliminate GERD and radically improve your health in numerous ways?
Whether you like to rest on your side, your back, or your stomach, your nightly sleeping position almost surely begins with you lying down on a flat, horizontal surface—usually, your bed.
But a quick look through human history reveals something fascinating: sleeping on horizontal surfaces has not always been the predominant practice. As long as 4,000 years ago, ancient Egyptians slept on inclined beds, with the head of the bed raised six inches. Andrew K. Fletcher, an inventor with a background in mechanical engineering, believes the Egyptians were on to something astounding.
If you experience symptoms from acid reflux, sinus pressure, slow metabolism, sluggish circulation, back or neck pain, or even more serious conditions such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, you may want to consider this simple technique to alleviate symptoms.
Inclined Bed Therapy for Optimal Health
Fletcher has pioneered a simple health technique called inclined bed therapy (IBT). It’s a shockingly easy approach to achieving and maintaining total body wellness. Fletcher found that gravitational force increases when a person’s head is raised between 4 and 8 inches, which brings an abundance of health benefits.
Studies show that IBT—just sleeping on a slightly inclined surface—can effectively treat a variety of conditions, including GERD.
The Power of Gravity for Human Health
The inspiration for inclined bed therapy came from Fletcher’s investigation of the mechanics of how trees pump sap from their underground roots to the tops of their branches. Fletcher developed a theory that trees rely on the force of gravity to power an elevator-like system that conveys sap up and down the trunk and through each of the branches.
Because the system a tree uses to circulate sap is so similar to the one the human body uses to circulate blood, Fletcher decided to test whether gravity could improve human health. So far, his observations confirm that humans require gravitational pull to function in an optimal manner. Sleeping in a slightly inclined position—head up, feet down, at an angle of five degrees—has brought about impressive effects for participants.
Not only is inclined bed therapy is a safe… pleasant… and tested, but it is also extremely affordable. All you need to practice this technique are the materials to prop up your bed. Some people use wooden blocks or risers, while other prefer foam. Many resources to assist you in implementing your own system can be found online. Don’t delay—set up your own inclined bed as soon as possible. Then you can drift off to sleep while counting the amazing health benefits that will come to you while you are dreaming. |