Is Graviola Really More Powerful Than Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy has long been the gold standard therapy for treating cancer. However, there’s a lowly tree called graviola that grows in the Amazon rainforest—a tree whose fruit (called guanabana or soursop) is becoming a strong contender in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

The first known scientific research on graviola was conducted by the National Cancer Institute in 1976. The research findings showed that graviola’s “leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells.”
Since then, graviola has been proven as a potent cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, yet strangely enough, the results of those tests have never been publicized.

Graviola tree seeds contain a compound that has been shown to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. And believed to be about 10,000x stronger than chemotherapy. unlike chemotherapy, the compound from graviola kills only cancer cells—and leaves healthy cells unharmed.

A study conducted at Purdue University found that leaves from the graviola tree effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer. They also protect your immune system, help prevent deadly infections, and boost energy. While there are as yet no double-blind, placebo-controlled studies conducted on graviola, its potential as a cancer-fighting substance is a promising one worth further research.