Did you know … that there are certain foods that can actually make you younger?
Lab experiments were made on old decrepit rats whose ages were equivalent to those of 90-year-old individuals. The old rats were fed with ‘immature food’ – that is, plants which had not finished growth and were still sprouting new stems and young leaves. The results of the experiments were astounding. “The old decrepit rats were transformed, and their bodies began to grow younger,” Brown Landone, a 20th century medical doctor wrote in an article titled Make Cells Grow Younger.
Coincidentally, other scientists discovered a root-auxin in plant roots. When they extracted this auxin from the tips of young growing roots, and applied it on the edge of a leaf, roots began to grow on the edge of the leaf. This the miracle of auxinon foods — they induce growth after their own kind of activity. There is something in the chemical substance of a young growing auxinon which — when you eat it as food — makes the cells of your body reproduce younger cells instead of older cells.
There are several types of auxinon foods (also called “living foods”) that also provide anti-aging effects, such as strawberries, blueberries, apples and spinach. But perhaps the best known auxinon foods are mung bean sprouts. Youth-growing substances from mung bean sprouts have the greatest potential to induce human cells to grow younger instead of older.
The chemical changes that occur in not just mung beans but also any sprouting seeds activate a veritable enzyme factory with a speed unsurpassed in later-stage growth of legumes. “The rich enzyme concentration can lead to heightened enzyme activity in your metabolism, leading to regeneration of the bloodstream. Some vitamins increase during sprouting by 500%,” wrote Dr. William Peavy and Warren Peary in their book Super Nutrition Gardening.
Because sprouts are predigested food, they have a higher biological efficiency value then whole seeds, and more of their nutrients reach the blood and cells. Sprouts provide an abundance of enzymes, which are the most vital factor that sustains the human body’s life processes. On the other hand, enzyme depletion is a fundamental cause of aging because as enzyme activity decreases with age, the cells become more susceptible to damage by free radicals and other toxic substances. This further hinders cell production and contributes to the aging process.
When the body is unable to replace old and dying cells with healthy new ones at a fast enough rate due to enzyme depletion, it brings about accelerated aging and increased susceptibility to disease. In order to stay biologically young and healthy, keeping enzyme activity in our bodies at an optimum level is of prime importance. This is what living foods like sprouts do, which is why their rejuvenating properties are considered by many to be one of the greatest age-reversing and youth-extending secrets of our time.
To experience the anti-aging benefits of auxinon foods, add a handful of mung bean sprouts to stir-fried dishes, soups, salads or even smoothies. They are easy to incorporate into vegetarian or meat-based recipes.