Brain Decay Starts at 39 – But Fortunately You Can Stop It!
A recent study revealed startling evidence of brain decay starting as early as 39 in healthy men. The decay starts with the loss of myelin sheath function.
Myelin sheathing is a protective coating around nerve cells. It’s similar to the insulation that surrounds electrical wiring. When the myelin sheath function begins to deteriorate, electrical energy can leak out. Signals become distorted or lost, and function is disrupted.
The earliest sign of myelin sheathing deterioration is a simple loss of reflex speed. Later, the disturbance in the nerves can cause shaking, poor balance, faulty coordination, memory loss. The problem also causes increased fatigue that is brought on by nearly any basic activity.
The researchers who conducted the startling new study explained it this way:
Studies have shown us that as we age, myelin sheathing breakdown and repair is continually occurring over the brain’s entire neural network. But in older age, we begin losing the repair battle. That means the average performance of the networks gradually declines with age at an accelerating rate…After middle age, we start to lose the battle to repair the myelin in our brain, and our motor and cognitive functions begin a long, slow downhill slide.
How to Protect Your Myelin Sheath Function
Keeping your brain healthy can begin with smart dietary choices. Certified clinical nutritionist Byron Richards explains that myelin sheathing “is made of phospholipids, which are in turn built from various nutrients.
Providing nutritional support for myelin sheathing is important for a variety of reasons, especially if there are signs of slowing reflexes, balance or coordination issues, or easy fatigue from stress.”
According to Richards, the top nutrients that production of the phospholipid structure of myelin sheathing are:
• Calcium AEP (amino ethanol phosphate): It’s the AEP part that makes this form of calcium uniquely beneficial for your brain. AEP is attracted to cell membranes, earning it the nickname, “membrane integrity factor.” It was discovered in 1941 by biochemist Erwin Chargaff and Hans Nieper, a German physician.
• Phosphatidyl Serine: This dietary supplement that has received some interest as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and other memory problems. Several studies involving phosphatidylserine indicate a benefit — improved cognitive abilities and behaviors.
• Shark Liver Oil: Fat-soluble antioxidants also help protect the membranes of all cells, including myelin sheath function. Richards recommends the tocotreinol form of vitamin E as an excellent choice for a fat-soluble antioxidant.
Finally, the Lance Armstrong Foundation has also compiled a list of nutrients that promote myelin health, along with the foods that contain them, including:
• Vitamin B12: Clams, beef, crab, milk, eggs and chicken
• Vitamin B1: Lentils, rice, spinach, pork, peas and milk
• Vitamin B5: Tuna, mushrooms, broccoli, yogurt and avocados
• Copper: Beef liver, lentils, clams, almonds and semisweet chocolate
• Oleic Acid: Olive oil, peanuts, almonds, macadamias and pecans and avocados