Did you ever think that going to your local grocery store you could buy a natural aphrodisiac? Arugula is one of the most potent natural superfoods commonly used in salads and is also a medically validated natural aphrodisiac.
The “sauciest” member of the Brassicaceae plant family is Eruca sativa, more commonly known as arugula — or more colorfully, “rocket seed.” The peppery, slightly bitter oak-shaped leaves are a popular addition to salads and any other dishes needing a splash of spice or a dash of romance. Arugula is thought to be a very effective overall stimulant, providing amazing energy and power to the whole body.
An Ancient Love Potion
Arugula originated in the Mediterranean region, and throughout the ages, it’s been recognized as an arousal aid. Arugula has been used as a natural aphrodisiac since the 1st century AD when Greek philosophers such as Pilny, Dioscorides, and others identified it as a food with the ability to increase libido. The Romans even consecrated arugula to the god Priapus, a god of fertility.
Historically, aphrodisiacs have been sought after for a variety of reasons, including:
- Curing “bedroom” anxieties
- Increasing fertility
- Preventing inadequate performance
- Ensuring male and female potency
Of course, since the ancient Greeks first began listing aphrodisiacs and fertility aids, there’s been controversy about the items on those lists. The criteria used back then was inconsistent, including things like the resemblance to reproductive parts of the human anatomy, and so-called natural representations of “seed or semen” such as bulbs, eggs, or snails.
Arugula — the Love Drug Backed by Science
Modern science has brought a new precision to the age-old practice of rating foods “R.” Dr. Walt Larimore, an acclaimed physician, medical journalist, and author, addressed these advances in his blog post about the 7 best foods for heating things up in the bedroom.
Dr. Walt identifies 7 foods “that have been major players in aphrodisiac history and lore — and also have modern-day science to help back up their claims.” Dr. Walt goes on to quote one of his colleagues, Dr. Jennifer R. Berman, M.D., director of the Berman Women’s Wellness Center in Beverly Hills, CA, who said, “There’s a growing body of evidence that some of the vitamins and components in foods can enhance sensual function and the experience of physical intimacy.”
Arugula is one of the historically renowned “love drugs” that has been verified by medical research. We now know that arugula’s natural aphrodisiac qualities stem from the trace minerals and antioxidants it contains. These minerals and antioxidants inhibit the introduction of potentially libido-reducing contaminants into your system — making them essential for the health of your reproductive organs.
An Amazing Cruciferous Vegetable for Cancer Protection and Overall Health
The stimulating effects of arugula have benefits that reach beyond the bedroom. Research has shown that arugula improves blood quality and liver function. In fact, arugula is considered one of the most potent natural superfoods.
It’s packed with phytochemicals and essential vitamins, including:
- Beta carotene
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthin
- Vitamins C, A and K
- Folic acid
- Calcium
- Manganese
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Iron, zinc and copper
- Riboflavin
The tasty herb — whose flavor is reminiscent of mustard — is very low in calories and an excellent source of dietary fiber. Arugula, along with broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, is classified as a cruciferous vegetable.
Cruciferous vegetables generate glucosinolates, which are converted into isothiocynates during digestion. Isothiocynates, along with the wealth of antioxidants found in arugula, protect your body in a number of important ways, such as . . .
- Regulating immune function
- Curing coughs
- Detoxifying enzymes
- Preventing macular degeneration
- Actively protecting against cancer
Adding Arugula to Your Life
Overall, adding arugula or one of the other leafy greens of the Brassicaceae family to your diet is one of the tastiest ways to boost your health.
Classically, arugula was often served with grated orchid bulbs or parsnips. It was also combined with pine nuts or pistachios. Currently, it’s more often found in salads or pastas where its standout peppery potency goes straight to the brain.
Arugula may satisfy your stomach, but it’ also sure to fan the flames of your amorous appetite — without your having to turn to risky drugs.