The science of sexual attraction is something most people are interested in – whether they admit it or not. In the modern world, it seems we have far more global reach but much less personal connection.
People and situations are moving so fast and it can be hard to compete with all the other – more exciting – data that men and women process on a moment-by-moment basis from other people, the media and through personal technology.
How do you get noticed in the ocean of information? How do you focus someone’s attention on you long enough for them to notice your personality or how intelligent and funny you are? For them to think, “I want to get to know this person!”
The answer could be chemical.
According to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, pheromones are a “chemical substance produced and released into the environment by an animal affecting the behavior or physiology of others of its species.”
In other words, your body chemistry – and yes, humans release natural pheromones –can often play a subconscious part in whether or not someone is attracted to you.
A study from San Francisco State University found that women who added pheromone to their perfume reported an increase in their attention from men by more than 50%!
The exact process by which pheromones are perceived by others is still getting understood but the general belief is that they are inhaled and impact the area of your brain that processes emotion, determines physical attraction and regulates your sex drive.They are excreted through your bodily fluids – especially sweat.
The study of pheromones is extremely controversial but of great interest – naturally – to men and women everywhere.
The Los Angeles Times:
“Scientific studies have actually shown that subjects who used synthesized pheromones had intercourse more often.”
“The power of smell is undeniable … humans are influenced by airborne chemicals undetectable as odors, called pheromones.
McCall’s Magazine:
“Pheromones can improve one’s intimate life, pheromones send out subconscious signals to members of the opposite gender that naturally trigger romantic feelings.”
Scientists believe that your brain’s neurotransmitters play a prominent role in whether or not you will be physically and sexually attracted to another person, for how long and in what capacity. Rutgers University professor, Helen Fisher, said, “There are three different types of love – lust, romantic love, and long-term attachment – each associated with different neurotransmitters, all hardwired into the brain.” Studies suggest that the human brain loves pheromones.
The University of Chicago pheromone study, published in the Journal of Physiology and Behavior, found that 74% of female participants saw an overall increase in their social interaction with the opposite sex.
Socio-Sexual Interactions with Men
• Dating more often
• Engaging in more kissing and displays of affection
• The focus of heavy petting
• Increased foreplay
• Sex more often
• Snuggling from partner afterward
Bennett Research, a lab in Australia, conducted a survey of more than 300 men using pheromones. A stunning 90% of male subjects reported an increased attractiveness with the opposite sex. In fact, the males involved in the research – published in S Magazine – conveyed marked improvements across the board.
Socio-Sexual Interactions with Women
• Starting a conversation – 52% improvement
• Engaging in conversation – 61% improvement
• Female expressing interest – 43% improvement
• Female responsiveness – 40% improvement
• Unsolicited compliments to the male – 36% improvement
• Overt flirting from the female – 34% improvement
If you’ve ever seen the way a male dog or cat will react when there is a female of their species in heat – you’ve witnessed the power of pheromones at work! With humans, it isn’t quite so obvious … because that would be rather awkward.
The effect of pheromones on human beings is more subtle but still a powerful tool to ramp up your personal sexual attractiveness to others.
Pheromones perform many tasks other than just stimulate us to have intercourse. They have been used as appetite suppressants, to treat impotence, as contraceptives or sedatives and to regulate the reproductive and menstrual cycles of women.
However, it is pheromones’ sexual attractant properties that have captured the public’s fascination — for obvious reasons. Pheromones are odorless and because they waft through the air in the smallest traces, they’re barely perceptible.
Although pheromones cannot be smelled or seen, they secretly affect our biological processes, which in turn, stimulate sexual attraction, sex drives and reproductive behaviors. That’s why they’re often called “secret seducers.”
Pheromones for Men vs. Pheromones for Women
Scientists have identified the chemical androstenone as the male pheromone. Believed to increase the animal magnetism of a man, androstenones are also believed to bring about an increase in the luteinizing hormone (LH) in a woman who happens to be nearby — thereby causing a woman to have a heightened responsiveness to a man.
The compound copulin, on the other hand, has been identified as the female pheromone. When encountered, copulins are believed to bring about a testosterone surge in men – causing a man to have a heightened responsiveness to a woman.
Men and Women Agree…Pheromones Stimulate Sexual Attraction
• Increased attractiveness and desirability to the opposite sex.
• Greater arousal of their partner.
• Romantic feelings from their partner.
• More of an edge in social and professional situations.
• A more fulfilling social and sexual lifestyle.
Not all commercially available androstenones and copulins are created equal. Underground Health Reporter Recommends LuvEssentials, click here to read more about LuvEssentials…your trusted source for pheromones.
You could find the love of your life by heightening your own pheromones. Or you just might capture that special someone’s attention long enough to make it possible.