There is a painless light therapy called photoluminescence. This treatment has been around for ages. With everyone going towards natural alternatives photoluminescence therapy is making its come back.
“Photoluminescence” sounds high-tech, but it’s actually simple. “Photo” means light, and “luminescence” is emission of light. The treatment involves irradiating ultraviolet light onto a patient’s blood — a procedure which increases oxygenation and promotes healing.
The treatment device is safe, non-toxic, easy to administer, and drug-free.
Note: Administering photoluminescence is so simple that some experts say you can do it yourself at home with the right equipment and clear instructions (both easily obtained online).
This Historic Treatment is Making a Comeback
Photoluminescence therapy is not new. Also known as UB and UVBI (for ultraviolet blood irradiation), this therapy was popular in the 1930s for polio and other viral and bacterial infections.
According to Dr. Ron Kennedy of Santa Rosa California, the advent of vaccines and antibiotics shoved photoluminescence therapy so far into the shadows of disuse that it was nearly forgotten.
But now, he says, with the “dangers and lack of efficacy of vaccination increasingly appreciated, the development of dangerous antibiotic resistant species of bacteria, and with the difficulty eradicating many viruses, including those involved in AIDS, photoluminescence has once again come to be thought of as a viable alternative therapy.”
And it’s making a comeback in the hands of a small but growing number of practitioners.
Proven Benefits and No Harmful Effects
Emmett K. Knott was the first practitioner to “irradiate” or expose to light the blood of a human patient in 1928. By June of 1934, Mr. Knott and Dr. Virgil K. Hancock published their first article on the therapeutic powers of phototherapy.”
By June of 1942, the two had treated more than 6,000 patients with ultraviolet therapy — and nearly every time, it zapped infections and cured toxicity with no harmful effects.
Their work was reported in the most prestigious journals of the time. One respected physician, Dr. Rebbeck, wrote in the early 1940s that Hancock and Knott “had in the irradiation of blood with ultraviolet spectral energy, a therapy of more pronounced value than any other method known to date.”
During a 50-year period, doctors performed more than 300,000 clinical tests that repeatedly showed photoluminescence therapy to work.
It’s interesting to note that … not a single patient was lost during the course of all those studies.
A Simple Procedure With Fast Results
Photoluminescence therapy is administered by placing a catheter into one of the veins around the elbow (usually with a butterfly needle — a small plastic catheter attached to a short needle). Drawn blood travels through a small glass chamber, called a cuvette, where it is exposed twice to ultraviolet light before getting re-introduced to the patient’s blood stream.
Just 5% of a patient’s total blood volume is treated over a 20-minute period — but the treated blood spreads throughout the body with a rapid, detoxifying effect.
Blood oxygen levels rise, as does resistance to viral and bacterial infections. Many people feel improvements in chronic conditions after just a few treatments. In severe cases, patients may require 10 or more treatments. But usually, 3 to 5 treatments are sufficient.
Photoluminescence Against Cancer
Photoluminescence therapy is still experimental as a cancer treatment, but researchers at Yale are examining photoluminescence’s effect on certain types of lymphoma. And from the late 40s through the mid 60s, an American surgeon named Robert Olney conducted in-depth research of photoluminescence and cancer.
Olney was a respected surgeon whose studies were published in many prestigious and widely read journals, including American Journal of Surgery and Journal of the International College of Surgeons. In the 1960s, Olney published 5 case histories of cancer patients he had treated with photoluminescence.
One dramatic Olney case history featured a 30-year-old white male admitted to the hospital with generalized malignant melanoma. Some 11 years earlier, the patient had undergone surgery to remove a malignant melanoma from his right arm.
When first observed by Olney, the patient had a mass in his chest below the clavicle — and from there he quickly developed metastases all over his body, including severe swelling from tumor growth in his abdomen.
The patient’s breathing was labored, he coughed constantly, and he was blue in the face from lack of oxygen. He underwent photoluminescence therapy immediately, every 3 days during the first week, and then once a week thereafter.
After 3 weeks, the tumor mass in his right armpit disappeared, as did the tumor on his right chest wall. Abdomen swelling subsided. Tumor masses in his torso shrank. After 6 weeks, the patient’s breathing eased, his swollen right leg returned to normal, and he was entirely free of pain.
Pain Free, Low Cost, Proven Effective
Research has shown that numerous medical conditions can be significantly improved with photoluminescence therapy, such as:
- Viral Infections
- Candidiasis (fungal infections)
- Venom Poisoning
- Bacterial Infections
- Chronic Fatigue
- Poor Oxygen
- Toxicity
- Blood Poisoning
- Poor Circulation
- Low Blood Counts
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Emphysema
- Cancer-adjunctive conditions
- Diabetes Complications
- Poor Immune Function
- Rheumatologic Diseases
- Arthritis-adjunctive conditions
Current studies are examining the effects of photoluminescence on Alzheimer’s disease, malaria, and cancer.
For most people, photoluminescence therapy has no risks or side effects.
It is contraindicated only in people diagnosed with Porphyria, hereditary metabolic disorders such as phenylketonuria, exeroderma pigmentosum, acute photodermatitis, and a hypersensitivity to sunlight or other forms of ultraviolet light.
In all other cases, the therapy has demonstrated no adverse effects. This pain-free, low cost, and proven effective therapy is now offered by a growing number of licensed health practitioners.
To find a physician in your area, just type “photoluminescence practitioners” or “Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) therapy” in any search engine.