Did you know…that wheatgrass rejuvenates aging cells and helps fight tumors, cleanse the blood and tighten loose and sagging skin?
Say what you will about the taste, which can be chased away with something fruity and sweet, wheatgrass health benefits is total body nutrition in one gulp. Prominent research scientist Dr. Earp-Thomas says that, “15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery and so forth.”
Made up of 17 essential amino acids, 90 minerals, 13 vitamins and 80 enzymes, wheatgrass health benefits strengthens everything from our cells and tissues to our organs and bodily systems. That in and of itself is an impressive resume, but wheatgrass owes the majority of its curative properties to its 70% chlorophyll makeup, which sets it apart as a green dream machine.
A Gulp a Day Keeps the Tumors Away
Balanced with such an impressive array of nutrients (particularly chlorophyll), wheatgrass health benefits are guaranteed to boost your immune system health, thereby protecting you against chronic diseases such as cancer.
Wheatgrass cleanses the blood and detoxifies the liver (where blood is purified), eliminating toxic sludge made up of poisons such as cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury and polyvinyl chloride. It has also been proven to oxygenate the blood, as well as to stimulate hemoglobin production.
The connection between chlorophyll and hemoglobin (the compound that transports oxygen in the blood) is important in understanding the role wheatgrass plays in fighting tumors. Chlorophyll is almost identical in structure to hemoglobin (aka red blood cells).
The only difference is that hemoglobin’s central atom is iron, whereas chlorophyll’s central atom is magnesium. The difference is slight, and once absorbed by the body, chlorophyll releases magnesium and absorbs iron, thereby converting into hemoglobin. It then transports nutrients, such as oxygen, through the blood and to our cells, tissues and organs, rejuvenating, protecting and strengthening.
Fact: Cancer cells cannot develop in oxygen rich environments!
Chlorophyll is a proven anti-cancer agent. Boosting the production of red blood cells and increasing oxygen in the blood helps fight cancer cells. And cancer cannot survive in such alkaline rich environments!
A recent study published in the journal Mutation Research pitted chlorophyll against beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E. Chlorophyll had a greater anti-cancer effect than all the other nutrients!
A Natural, Internal Antiseptic
Chlorophyll was praised for its antibacterial properties at the beginning of the 20th century when The American Journal of Surgery quoted Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommending that chlorophyll be used “to clear up foul-smelling odors, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner ear inflammation and infections, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases.”
Wheatgrass health benefits goes beyond these external antiseptic benefits and washes the internal body free of bacteria and disease. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine recently reported that the nutrients in wheatgrass reduce oxidative stress and show “great promise in overcoming the ill effects of oxygen toxicity.”
Feel and See the Difference
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether or not a certain treatment is working. Wheatgrass displays its curative powers proudly. Daily supplementation with this green food rejuvenates aging cells, turns gray hair back to its natural color, enhances skin with a radiant glow and heals skin disorders such as eczema and impetigo.
It doesn’t just cast a visible glow, wheatgrass health benefits also firms’ loose and sagging skin! In The Wheatgrass Book author Ann Wigmore, a holistic health practitioner and nutritionist, claims that wheatgrass health benefits is a beauty treatment that can significantly slow down the aging process.
Time to Drink Up
Wheatgrass, which is technically the young grass of the common wheat plant Triticum aestivum, must be liquefied or dried into a powder before the body can digest it.
You can find it at smoothie bars or your local natural health food store.
If supplementing as a juice, ingest 1-2 ounces a day, unless you are detoxing. In that case, up the dose to 3 to 4 ounces a day. If supplementing as a powder, take 1 tablespoon 1 to 3 times each day, and if supplementing as a tablet, take 7 to 10 tablets a day (approximately 500 mg).