Chia seeds contain the health benefits of flax seeds, but they don’t have to be grinded before eating and they last longer—up to two years without refrigeration because they contain so many magnificent antioxidants. In addition to antioxidants—such as the phytochemicals quercetin, myricetin, and kaempferol, all celebrated for their anti-inflammatory properties—chia seeds are rich in fiber, protein, minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats. Two tablespoons of chia seeds dishes up:
- 50% the DRV of manganese
- 35% the DRV of phosphorus
- 24% the DRV of magnesium
- 18% the DRV of calcium
…all minerals linked to bone health, hypertension prevention, healthy weight maintenance, DNA synthesis, and energy metabolism. And let’s not forget, chia seeds are loaded up with 10 grams of fiber.
Chia seeds belong to the same family as mint—Salvia Hispanica. Chia is the ancient Mayan word for strength, and chia seeds truly are an energy-boosting food. Sixty percent of chia seeds are made up of the plant-based omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Your body can’t produce ALA on its on, so needs you to feed it this essential fatty acid. Studies indicate that ALA helps:
- Lower triglycerides and promote healthy cholesterol levels
- Protect against diabetes
- Alleviate inflammation
- Lower blood pressure and help protect against heart disease
- Protect the liver
- Help prevent arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and even cancer
Eating chia seeds is also supportive of weight loss. Scientists believe that the blend of protein and fiber, as well as the gel-like consistency of chia seeds when mixed with liquid, helps you feel fuller faster. A study published 2012 in the Journal of Nutrition showed that when 67 patients with metabolic syndrome drank a chia seed beverage daily for two months they lost weight and lowered triglyceride and blood sugar levels!
Chia Seed Pudding Recipe
Whip up some chia seed pudding to eat for breakfast. It takes less than 5 minutes…just try not to gulp it down all at once.
The evening before, combine ¼ cup chia seeds with 1 cup of coconut milk and a ½ tablespoon of organic honey. Mix together in a small bowl or glass jar and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, pour your favorite fruit—strawberries, raspberries, mangoes, etc.—over your pudding and add your favorite seed topping—sunflower, pumpkin, or pepita seeds.