The Mayan Indians have a saying: “Where avocados grow, hunger or malnutrition has no friends.”
For years you were told to avoid the high fat/high caloric content of avocado. Now scientists are debunking that long-held belief with evidence that this antioxidant-rich fruit enhances heart health, lowers cholesterol and improves skin.
Avocados Are Abundant In Vitamins and Minerals Crucial To Total Body Health
Beta-carotene, lutein, vitamins B6, C, E and K, selenium, zinc, folate, potassium, glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids are just a few of the nutrients found in a single avocado.
9 Reasons Why an Avocado a Day Can Change Your Life:
1. Avocados contain the 18 amino acids required to form complete protein that is used more efficiently by the body than are proteins found in meat.
2. Avocados contain more natural fiber than any other fruit, and this high fiber content aids in digestion and total body absorption of nutrients.
3. Healthy fats found in avocados raise “good” cholesterol (HDL) while lowering “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides by 20%.
4. Avocados contain 35% more potassium than a banana does. Potassium is important because it regulates blood pressure.
5. Avocados provide the lutein necessary to protect you from age-related eye degeneration.
6. The anti-inflammatory properties of avocados prevent and/or treat rheumatoid arthritis.
7. Sufficient amounts of oleic acid improve your cardiovascular system and protect against prostate and breast cancer.
8. Vitamin B6 and folic acid control homocysteine levels – high quantities of homocysteine are linked to an increased risk of death from heart disease.
9. Glutathione boosts your body’s immune system and keeps your nervous system healthy.
Christian Cortés-Rojo, a researcher at Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo in Morelia, Michoacán, México conducted a recent study on avocados health benefits.
Using simple cells found in yeast, he discovered that when treated with avocado oil the yeast cells survived severe free radical damage (higher than levels common in most human diseases).
Dr. Cortes-Rojo said, “Our results are promising because they indicate that avocado consumption could improve the health status of diabetic and other patients.”
He then added, “In some Mediterranean countries, low or almost no appearance of these kinds of diseases has been associated with the high olive oil consumption. Olive oil has a fat composition similar to that found in avocado oil. Therefore, avocado oil could eventually be referred to as the olive oil of the Americas.”
Avocado Health Benefits: The Secret to Glowing Skin Inside & Out
Avocado health benefits are also considered one of nature’s most effective moisturizers and has been shown to increase collagen production as well as reduce the size and appearance of wrinkles, according to a study at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.
In addition to eating an avocado you can also mash the pulp and apply it as a masque directly to your skin. Avocado contains some of the best anti-aging amino acids and antioxidants used in many anti-aging creams.
If you suffer from dry spots caused by sunburn or eczema, or have been diagnosed with psoriasis, the healthy fat in avocado moisturizes, repairs distress and inflammation, and protects your skin from future damage. The oil from the avocado is the closest to the human body’s natural skin oil.
The pulp closest to the skin has the highest concentration of nutrients. Scrape it off and apply it directly to the skin for soft, supple results.
In Central and South America, every part of the avocado is considered important. Avocado oil is used to protect the skin from blistering sun, and harsh winds and rain. It is used on lips to prevent chapping. The skin, pulp and seed have been used to treat constipation, dandruff, bruises and wounds. Avocados health benefits are also a main source of dietary nutrition.
Avocados used to have a bad reputation for being a fatty food, but they are finally getting the recognition and credit they deserve as a super food for total body health and anti-aging!
That is delicious news!