Bloodroot for Skin Tags

Did You Know… that a safe, effective herbal treatment can get rid of unattractive skin growths?

Skin tags—those soft flesh-colored bits of skin that hang from skin folds on the neck, breasts, armpits, groin, and eyelids—aren’t a sign of skin cancer or any other dangerous skin condition.  They’re perfectly harmless.  But they can also be extremely annoying and unattractive.

Dermatologists can remove skin tags with a scalpel, liquid nitrogen, or an electric spark.  However, for some people, the tags quickly come back.  Fortunately, there is a highly effective at-home herbal remedy that can remove troublesome skin tags easily and quickly.

Bloodroot for Skin Tags 

Bloodroot is a medicinal herb indigenous to the north central United States and Canada.  Its sap is poisonous and should never be ingested, but when applied topically it acts as an aid for eliminating skin conditions such as skin tags, warts, moles, and even eczema.

When applied to skin tags as a powder or paste, bloodroot sparks inflammation at the base of the skin tag, causing the tag to lose circulation, turn white, and fall off.  According to Dr. Andrew Weil, a well-known naturopathic physician, bloodroot can remove skin tags with minimal scarring and without harming the normal skin tissue surrounding the tag.

How to Use Bloodroot to Remove Skin Tags 

Purchase bloodroot as a paste or powder, but make sure it contains only bloodroot and water and nothing else.  When combined with any other caustic ingredients, bloodroot is not safe for the skin and could cause scarring or disfigurement.  Herbalists always advise caution, including careful review of package directions.

Experts generally advise the following basic steps for removing skin tags with bloodroot:

  • Apply bloodroot paste to the skin tag and cover with a bandage.
  • Change the bandage three times a day.  First, clean the area with hydrogen peroxide, then reapply the paste and cover with a clean bandage.
  • Use bloodroot paste for a maximum of three days.  If the skin tag is still hanging on, then visit a dermatologist for further guidance.

     A cautionary note: Other skin problems, including seborrheic kertaoses and cancer, are often mistaken for skin tags, so  it’s important to get a proper diagnosis to rule out more serious conditions.