Fact or Myth: Grounding Reduces Inflammation?

This is a FACT.

Every day, we do battle with villainous electromagnetic fields. Environmental electromagnetic fields of 50-60 Hz (which we happened to be chronically exposed to at home and at work) increase our exposure to free radicals and accelerate oxidative damage in the body.

Grounding, or earthing as it’s sometimes called, is the practice of walking barefoot and connecting to the earth. The earth releases its free electrons into the soles of your feet. These electrons then travel up into your body, where they set to work shielding you from the electromagnetic fields and radiation that emanate from our endless electronic devices—cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi, etc.

Research also shows that grounding reduces inflammation and protects against inflammation-related diseases such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, asthma, MS, lupus, and irritable bowel disease.

earthingGrounding’s Antioxidant Effects

Thick, viscous blood combined with free radical stress form the ideal breeding ground for inflammation. Grounding imbues the body with negatively charged ions that neutralize free radicals and thin the blood, thereby subduing the inflammation response.

An analysis of grounding studies conducted by a group of about a dozen researchers investigating the physiological effects of earthing was published March 2015 in the Journal of Inflammation Research. Their cumulative findings showed that…

  • Grounding generated measurable differences in the concentration of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules that make up the inflammation response.
  • Grounding decreased pain and helped to prevent the markers of inflammation following injury, including redness, heat, swelling, and loss of function when treated with daily 30-minute grounding sessions with an electrode patch.

Twenty cases using medical inflammation imagery confirmed grounding reduces inflammation. The researchers conclude: “Our main hypothesis is that connecting the body to the Earth enables free electrons from the Earth’s surface to spread over and into the body, where they can have antioxidant effects.”

Other studies have shown that grounding helps to improve sleep, regulate cortisol production, reduce pain, alleviate stress, increase heart rate variability, speed wound healing, and thin the blood.

How Grounding Thins the Blood

Grounding reduces inflammation by decreasing blood thickness. It does this by increasing zeta potential, which is the energy between the red blood cells. When zeta potential is improved, your red blood cells have more charge and are repelled from each other, which thins the blood and propels blood flow, along with lowering blood pressure. Studies have shown that grounding can increase zeta potential by as much as 280%!

While you can ground indoors with special sheets, mats, and electrode patches, the easiest way to engage in ground therapy is to get outside and go barefoot. Pick a good grounding surface, like grass, bare soil, sand, concrete, brick, or ceramic tile. Asphalt, tar, rubber, plastic, vinyl, and wood will not do the trick.

Don’t rush the process. Research suggests that it takes approximately 80 minutes for free electrons from the earth to travel into the bloodstream and thin the blood.