Pretty woman relaxing in spa after massage.

Did You Know…Infrared Saunas Can Improve Heart Health?

The Heat is On... How Infrared Saunas Improve Your Health Sauna therapy has been used across centuries and across cultures, but infrared saunas have only come...

Exercise Prevents and Even Reverses Aging on a Cellular Level

Scientists have known for years that many of the changes commonly attributed to aging actually arise from inactivity. Because of this, exercise can prevent...
Handsome couple in love in bed being sensual

Did You Know… Sex is a Wonder Drug for Heart Health and Longer Life?

Sure, you know sex feels good, but did you also know that it enhances heart health by normalizing cholesterol and blood pressure levels and...
Hunza Valley high in the Himalayas

Three Simple Rules for Living to 100

Discover how three simple dietary rules used by a secluded population living high in the Himalayas can help you live well past age 100 If...
man and woman drinking tea

Drinking Tea Cuts Your Risk of Dementia in Half

Despite great interest and numerous high-quality drug trials, an effective pharmaceutical treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, both of which fall under the umbrella...
Coast of Acciarolo Italy with boats in the water and mountains in the background

The Secret Longevity Herb of Southern Italy

Rosemary is perhaps best known for its memory-enhancing perks, but it is actually has many other medicinal applications, all of which may work synergistically...
Yellow Ceramic Bowl

Did You Know… …that the world’s longest-lived people eat a cup of this...

There’s a hilltop village in the south of Rome called Campodimele, and its inhabitants are among the world’s largest population of centenarians, those who...
Man hiking down a mountain with the valley below

The Miracle Mineral You Aren’t Getting Enough Of

Did You Know… …iodine deficiency may be drastically disrupting your health?  Iodine is a trace element vital to your body’s optimal health. It monitors thyroid and...

Facebook Can Help You Live to be 100

Social media doesn’t have the best reputation, but according to a new study done by researchers from the University of California, San Diego, using...