how to prevent aging

The “Awe” Experience Can Prevent Aging

Most of us associate looking and feeling younger with our physical bodies. As we age, the appearance of gray hair and wrinkles and the onslaught...

Earthing For Longevity – Healing From Earth’s Electrons

Did you know...that there is a remarkable and completely free technique for lowering blood pressure, boosting heart health, reducing pain and inflammation? Until recent times,...
get rid of wrinkles

How Women Can Reduce Wrinkles by 50% with Hormone Replacement Therapy

Everyone wants to reduce wrinkles, especially women. But leaving aside the appearance issue, wrinkles also tell a lot about the overall health of the...
resveratrol supplement

Does This Plant Hold the Key to Controlling Diabetes and Unlocking the French Paradox?

The grape extract known as resveratrol already has some very impressive accomplishments chalked up on its scoreboard. Right up at the top, of course, is...

A “Nobel” Way to Avoid Cancer

Have you heard of telomeres yet? I’ve written about them and lectured to the World Conference on Anti-Aging. It’s big news in the world...