Natural Spider Vein Treatment: Get Rid of Spider Veins With Butcher’s Broom

You can once again wear shorts or skirts with confidence! All you need is a safe, natural spider vein treatment.

If you have struggled with the pain, swelling and unsightliness of spider and varicose veins, butcher’s broom (Ruscus Aculeatus), also known as box holly, could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

A member of the lily family, butcher’s broom contains compounds called ruscogenins, which are prized for their anti-inflammatory properties and are proven effective for treating weak veins.

Ruscogenins are active compounds that improve circulation and collagen production, thereby helping to tighten weakened valves and veins.

What Are Spider and Varicose Veins?

Arteries pump oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to every cell in the body. Veins pump blood with too little oxygen back to the heart.

Varicose veins occur when some of the valves that keep blood flowing in one direction don’t close properly. Blood backs up, causing unaccustomed pressure in the vein and resulting in swelling and twisting.

Varicose veins can be seen through your skin and are often mistaken for bruises because they are purple or blue in color. They are most common in the legs and feet. Spider veins are usually a bit narrower, red in color and can also appear on the face.

Women develop varicose veins more often than men. It’s estimated that 15% of the world population suffers from varicose veins or other vein disorders.

Top 5 Causes of Varicose Veins

1. As we age, the valves that control blood flow may not work as well.
2. Being obese puts too much pressure on the veins. Pregnant women may also experience varicose veins, but these types of veins tend to fade a few months after giving birth.
3. Sitting or standing still for long periods of time makes your circulatory system work harder to pump blood through your body.
4. Hormonal changes such as puberty, taking birth control pills, pregnancy or menopause increase your risk for varicose veins.
5. A family history of vein problems also increases your risk.

Half of men and women over the age of 50 suffer from varicose veins. One of the most painful side effects of varicose veins is swelling of the affected legs.

If you suffer from varicose veins you may also become more quickly fatigued if forced to stand for long periods of time.

Butcher’s Broom: A Natural Spider Vein Treatment

A study published in Arzneimittel-Forschung, a German medical journal, found that participants reacted favorably to a spider vein treatment formulated from butcher’s broom extract.

Those given the placebo during the clinical trial experienced no changes in their condition, but significant improvement in vein spider vein treatment insufficiency was noted in those subjects given the butcher’s broom. Subjects treated with butcher’s broom showed no adverse reactions.

Ruscogenin acts as a steroid building block, allowing your body to create its own steroids to stimulate vein resiliency.

It also smoothes the muscle of the vein wall, bringing back its normal shape and making spider and varicose veins less visible.

Butcher’s broom ruscogenin has also been used to treat hemorrhoids, swelling of the limbs and extremities (lymphedema), leg cramps, circulatory disorders and inflammation.

Additional Natural Remedies Used to Treat Varicose Veins

Ginkgo biloba is another herbal remedy that has been shown to strengthen vein walls and improve circulation.
Horse chestnut strengthens veins and improves elasticity. Topical creams containing horse chestnut can be found in health stores.
Apple cider vinegar applied as a cool compress has been shown to increase circulation to the affected area. Hold the cloth in place for 15 minutes twice a day for one month until you can no longer see the veins through your skin.
Gotu kola is a member of the parsley family and has been used for centuries in Chinese and Ayurveda medicine to increase circulation. It’s most common in supplement form.
Witch hazel has a long history of treating discolorations on the face, and spider veins appear to react favorably to it. Soak a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area several times a day to gradually reduce spider veins. You can find witch hazel in most drugstores and natural food stores.

Ways You Can Prevent Spider & Varicose Veins

Many “miracle” cures are advertised for the treatment of spider and varicose veins but the Mayo Clinic cautions against seeking a surgical treatment for your varicose veins without first speaking to your physician.

Natural treatments are less expensive and safer for your body. Though slight nausea has been reported in a few of the subjects involved in the clinical trials of butcher’s broom to date, there have been no adverse effects overall.

However, small children, pregnant women or breastfeeding women should avoid taking butcher’s broom until further research can be done. If you are currently taking medication for high blood pressure, you should consult your physician before taking butcher’s broom for varicose veins.

Instead, changing aspects of your lifestyle can control the symptoms of varicose veins and prevent them from getting worse.

• Exercise your legs. Walking is the best way to increase leg circulation.
Control your weight and diet. It is particularly important to monitor salt intake.
• Avoid tight clothing around the legs or waist so that blood flow is not restricted.
• Move around throughout the day to avoid several hours in the same position.
• Wear support stockings to help improve blood flow to the legs.

Varicose and spider veins are related to lifestyle habits. By adding a natural spider vein treatment and incorporating a few of the habits listed above, you will be showing off your legs with confidence in no time!