Health Concerns

Health Concerns

A Remarkably Effective Natural Remedy That Heals Countless Health Problems

Did you know that the oil from the seeds of a southwest Asian plant has been shown to prevent and cure dozens of diseases...

How Technology Can Cause Behavioral Problems and Reduce Verbal Intelligence in Children

Technology has become such an integral part of our everyday lives that not only is it important, it has almost become nearly impossible to...

How the Alkaline Diet can Prevent Cancer and Inflammation-Based Diseases

Our bodies are in a constant state of trying to achieve homeostasis, meaning we have to keep our pH levels fairly neutral if we...

Most Fad Diets Use the Same Guidelines

It seems like every other month, a new fad diet comes out, declaring new revolutions in the science and health community that guarantee quick...

Does Washing Your Hands Often Increase Your Risk of Mental Disorders?

Take everything you know about DNA and genetics and throw it out the window. Unless you are a geneticist or in the medical field, doing...

The Truth About Exercise

We have become a world that attributes speed with greatness. Fast cars, fast internet, fast apps –we seem to have collectively agreed as a...
woman eating junk food

Can’t Stand the Sound of Chewing? Here’s Why … And What Can Help  

Crunch, slurp, sniff, wheeze—if you can’t stand common sounds like these, you may have a condition called misophonia. Those with misophonia respond to their...
water bottles

Supercharge Your Health With One Simple Trick

If you’re like most of us, you probably carry a water bottle around with you most everywhere you go, not just when you’re headed...
x-ray runner

The Secret to Better Bone Health

We all know that exercise burns fat, but did you know that it also melts away the fat stored inside your bones? Scientists from...
boy standing in a field of flowers sneazing

A Natural Way to Treat-and Even Prevent—Allergy Symptoms

For allergy sufferers, the pollen that accompanies the springtime flowers, grasses, and blooming trees can cast a cloud over the season. It turns out...