Repair Your Dry Hair Naturally With Broccoli

Scalp and hair health depend on nutrition and hydration. Seasonal changes that include extreme cold or heat put stress on your scalp and hair – especially if your hair isn’t as well nourished as it needs to be, discover more on all natural home remedies for dry hair.

Keys to Natural Hair Health Using Home Remedies for Dry Hair

This leafy green vegetable contains a unique blend of oils and fatty acids that protect the hair, make it naturally shiny, and keep it strong. This is especially important during extreme weather or if you live in a low-humidity area. Other excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids are olive oil, fish and nuts.

Naturally, you need to get plenty of water each and every day. Your body is more than two-thirds water and depends on your intake to keep all your systems functioning properly. This includes skin, scalp, nails and hair health. Women should drink at least 90 ounces every day and men should drink at least 100 ounces – and if you are a person who engages in extreme physical activity, you need even more. home remedies for dry hair

B Vitamins
Your body uses niacin (vitamin B-3), riboflavin (vitamin B-2) and pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5) to prevent skin inflammation. You can find these vitamins in eggs, lean meats, legumes, Greek yogurt and green leafy veggies.

Vitamin A
Crucial to new cell production, vitamin A ensures you are always making fresh new skin cells. Enjoy melons, tomatoes, carrots and spinach to be sure you’re getting enough of this vitamin in your diet.

Vitamin E
Your hair relies on specific vitamins to remain strong and healthy. Being deficient in vitamin E leads to hair that is brittle and more prone to breakage and falling out. In order to maintain circulation in your scalp, your body must have enough vitamin E. Blueberries, walnuts, spinach and tomatoes are excellent natural sources.

Natural Hot Oil Treatment

If your hair has already sustained a lot of damage due to over-styling, weather or poor nutrition, you may need to do some emergency repairs to give your scalp and hair a boost. Olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil applied to the scalp once a week will give your hair new life and moisturize deep into the follicles.

Simply warm the oil and massage over your entire scalp. Wrap a warm, wet towel around your head for 20 minutes. Wash with a natural shampoo, condition, rinse and style as usual.

Gently massaging a tablespoon of these oils into your scalp every two days will drastically improve the health of your scalp and hair within weeks. Leave the oil on overnight or wait a couple of hours to shampoo out.

Use shampoos that are formulated for sensitive skin or are completely organic to prevent reversing your efforts. This also applies to styling products. Avoid those with an alcohol base which worsen dry scalp and tend to make hair brittle over time.

Broccoli Seed Oil for Anti-Frizz

Many products designed to reduce frizz contain silicone. Short term, it coats the hair and makes it shiny – an illusion that causes damage to your hair long-term. Gradually, the silicone builds up and suffocates the hair follicles.

An alternative is cold-pressed broccoli seed oil, a clean and organic alternative to the synthetic silicone-based products. Broccoli seed oil provides deep absorption and moisturization without leaving the hair greasy. It repairs the hair from the inside out, giving you natural and long lasting frizz-free shine for a great home remedies for dry hair.

Top 5 Foods for Healthier Hair

  1. Salmon – rich in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is the natural choice for strong, lustrous hair. Your body is unable to make omega-3 so it depends on you to feed it enough. Other good sources are avocados, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.
  2. Walnuts – rich in biotin, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids – the only nut with a good amount – this simple food protects your cells from sun damage. Walnut oil is excellent in dressing or used over steamed vegetables.
  3. Oysters – abundant in zinc, three ounces provide almost 500% of the recommended daily value. Also high in protein, oysters help your body replace the hair you lose naturally. Hair is after all approximately 97% protein! Zinc deficiency has been linked to balding. Other good sources are eggs, lean beef and poultry.
  4. Sweet Potatoes – rich in beta carotene which your body converts to vitamin A, these root vegetables are an excellent source of a vitamin that every single cell in your body needs. Other good sources are carrots, spinach, apricots and cantaloupe.
  5. Blueberries – vitamin C ensures scalp circulation and follicle blood vessel health. There are few sources as high in this important vitamin as these tiny berries. Deficiency causes weak hair and leads to breakage and slow growth. Other foods with strong vitamin C content are tomatoes, strawberries and kiwis.

Treating your scalp and hair with food means you nourish it from the inside out. This means better results for longer.