Did You Know…that a 900 mg daily dose of an essential omega-3 fat has been shown to reverse memory loss?
There’s no question that a type of essential fatty acids (EFAs) known as “omega-3s” are absolutely crucial for brain function.
A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that low levels of omega-3s may lead to brain degeneration. And deficiencies in a specific omega-3 for memory called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are linked to serious and frightening conditions such as:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Depression
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder
- Memory loss
According to an article in the journal Nutrients, DHA may play an important role in “the prevention of neuropsychiatric and neuro-degenerative disorders.”
The Nutrientsarticle confirms many other studies like it that emphasize the critical importance of omega-3 for memory, for physical, and mental health. Over the last four decades, it’s become crystal clear that omega-3s can help reduce the symptoms of many psychiatric illnesses and degenerative brain disorders.
DHA: The Omega-3 That Can Reverse Brain Damage
According to the study in Nutrients, DHA signals a certain chemical in the brain called prolectin or NPD1.
This chemical triggers nerve regeneration, and as a result, researchers believe DHA “offers new therapeutic opportunities for a range of neuro-degenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists also say DHA might delay or minimize age-related cognitive decline that we’ve come to view as “normal.”
Human studies confirm DHA’s role in boosting brain function:
- In one study, 485 elderly volunteers with memory problems took 900 mg of DHA daily for 24 days. Compared with those in the control group, they experienced significant improvements in memory.
- Another study showed serious improvements in verbal fluency skills after 4 months of supplementation with 80 mg of DHA per day. When combined with a daily dose of 12 mg of lutein, memory and rate of learning improved as well.
The Reason for the “E” in EFA
The reason for the word “essential” in the phrase “essential fatty acids” is that your body cannot produce an adequate supply of these nutrients on its own. Therefore, it’s necessary to obtain these acids from your diet. Not getting enough omega-3 for memory will have serious consequences, but for your entire central nervous system.
Plant or Animal Sources for EFAs
Experts agree you should supplement omega-3 for memory, but some confusion surrounds the difference between animal- and plant-based EFAs. Respected natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola favors animal-based EFAs.
“It’s important to get the bulk of your omega-3 fat from animal-based sources,” says Dr. Mercola, who explains that DHA and EPA in animal-based sources are far more important for your health than the ALA acids found in plants.
Plant-based ALA can be converted into DHA and EPA, but the conversion process is flawed. Dr. Mercola says for maximum benefits, you should take your DHA and EPA in their purest, animal-based form.
Top Pick for Boosting Brain Health
So, what’s the best way to get omega-3 for your memory into your system?
Dr. Mercola recommends krill oil as the finest option for “obtaining important high-quality animal-based omega-3 fats.”
Dr. Mercola offers 3 key reasons in support of krill oil:
- The essential EPA and DHA in krill is far more absorbable than those found in fish oil.
- Krill is a rich source of astaxanthin, making it 48 times more potent than fish oil in terms of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values.
- Thanks to the small size of krill, they accumulate far fewer toxins prior to harvesting than fish, meaning your risk of mercury contamination is much lower.