The Perfect “Fresh Start” Green Smoothie for Holiday Detoxing

cutting board with cucumber, pear, avacado, lemon, and herbs

Did you enjoy few too many treats over the holiday season? Feeling the after-effects of a festive cocktail party? Recovering from a periodof high stress? Worn out from the hustle and bustle? This green smoothie recipe will help you start the new year with a clean slate.

If you’d like to gain more energy…increase your vitality…and reset your metabolism, this recipe can help you check some items off your goals list. We’ve concocted the perfect smoothie to detoxify your system and re-alkalinize your body. It’s filling enough to be a meal in itself, and best of all, it’s absolutely delicious!

This green smoothie blends crisp, sweet pear with creamy avocado, fortifying kale, refreshing cucumber, tart lemon juice, fresh mint, and a dash of spicy smoothie and lemmon

Fresh Start Smoothie Ingredients 

To make this detoxifying green smoothie, you will need the following ingredients…

  • 1 pear
  • 1 avocadodetoxifying green smoothie
  • 1 ½ cup kale
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 tablespoons freshly-squeezed lemon juice
  • 10-20 mint leaves
  • 3 shakes of cayenne

To Make the Smoothie 

  1. Peel and chop the cucumber
  2. Core and chop the pear
  3. Scoop out the avocado
  4. Add all the ingredients to your blender
  5. Blend on high until smooth

The recipe yields about three cups, and will keep for 24 hours in the refrigerator in an air-tight container. Try portioning some out into a to-go beverage container for a healthy, portable snack. The bright, rejuvenating flavor makes a perfect pick-me-up at any time of day.