Vitamin C Targets and Kills Dangerous Cancer Stem Cells
According to a very exciting new study published in the journal Oncotarget, vitamin C may be up to 10 times more effective in killing...
The Two Fruits That Could Kill Cancer With Polyphenols Benefits
By Victor Marchione, M.D. aka The Food Doctor
Here are some deliciously promising results in a study on breast cancer. Texas researchers have found that...
Black Rice: The New Cancer-Fighting Super Food
Did You Know... that black rice may be the new cancer-fighting super food?
Rich in antioxidant anthocyanins, exotic black rice is a whole-grain that competes...
One More Cancer that Vitamin D Protects Against
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps regulate levels of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc in the body. Adequate levels are needed...
How the Alkaline Diet can Prevent Cancer and Inflammation-Based Diseases
Our bodies are in a constant state of trying to achieve homeostasis, meaning we have to keep our pH levels fairly neutral if we...
Sitting Is the New Smoking
Did You experts claim "sitting is the new smoking?"
You may not realize it, but the most dangerous activity in your entire day may very...
The “Breakthrough Treatment” You Already Have In Your Cabinet
Recent research indicates that a drug familiar to many of us could save thousands of lives and reduce health care spending by close to...
Walking Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women, with one in eight women receiving a diagnosis at some point in her life. Such...
The Obesity-Cancer Link Confirmed
If you carry extra weight, there has never been a better time to take action to shed fat on behalf of your long-term health.
Busting the Soy-Breast Cancer Myth
One of the most frequently cited reasons to avoid soy products is based on the notion that between soy consumption is linked to breast...