Fact or Myth: Does Yoga Protect Against Heart Disease?

This is a FACT… Yoga is an ancient Indian mind-body practice that combines the physical with the mental and spiritual to strengthen the body and...

Yoga Reduces Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Did You Know...that yoga may protect you from cardiovascular disease? Yoga is an ancient mind-body practice from India that helps to strengthen the body and...
negative effects of television

Prolonged Sitting May Cause Heart Disease

We’ve got one more study from 2014 proving that prolonged sitting is incredibly detrimental to your overall health, regardless of if you are fit...

Sitting Is the New Smoking

Did You Know...health experts claim "sitting is the new smoking?" You may not realize it, but the most dangerous activity in your entire day may very...

Aronia Berry: The New Berry on the Block

Did You Know...that a little-known American berry is loaded with so much antioxidant fuel it can improve the function of the circulatory, respiratory and...

Green Smoothie Health Benefits

How a 3-Minute Push-Button Solution Can Make it Almost Impossible for You to Get Sick FACT: More people have died from preventable diseases than all...
Benefits of Being A Vegetarian

Reap The Benefits of Being A Vegetarian And Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease

The benefits of being a vegetarian are different for everyone. The rising cost of meat may prompt many meat-lovers to consume a largely meatless...
negative effects of fat

The Top 5 Negative Effects of Fat and How It Can Impact Your Life

Top 5 Negative Effects of Fat More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese so chances are you already know many of the negative...
effects of sleep deprivation

A Simple Solution for How to Get Better Sleep

Find out How to Get Better Sleep and Protect Yourself and Your Family from the 
Dangers and Effects of Sleep Deprivation -- "America's Top...
exercise for lowering blood pressure

Fact or Myth: Vigorous Exercise For Lowering Blood Pressure?

This is a MYTH. Difficult, high-intensity workouts are not necessary for improving heart health or lowering blood pressure. To the contrary, recent research coming out of...