Nano Silver: Protection from Ebola

Did You Know… that a study funded by the Department of Defense in 2009 showed that Nano Silver inhibits the Ebola virus… and yet the findings of this life-saving study have not been made public?

Nano Silver is a micro-nutrient that supports normal immune system function.  It maintains homeostasis, supporting normal cell membrane and making the cell impenetrable to the Ebola virus.

In 2009, the Department of Defense funded a study conducted by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) on Nano Silver.  The study showed that Nano Silver at 10 parts per million (10 PPM) was by far the most effective agent for preventing the Ebola virus from replicating, and for “regulating normal cell membrane’s impenetrability to the virus.”

Doctor Who Champions Nano Silver Is Threatened with Criminal Prosecution by the FDA and FTC

Dr. Rima Laibow of Natural Solutions Foundation dared to speak up about Nano Silver’s potential as a treatment for Ebola.  She stated:  “As of now it is said that there is no treatment against Ebola, and that is not true.  In fact there is a well-known, well characterized, nutrient.  That is Nano Silver… Nano Silver inhibits every disease organism it has ever been tested against, without exception.”

Instead of commending Dr. Rima for bringing this important information to the public’s attention, the FDA has issued a joint Warning Letter to Natural Solutions Foundation on August 23, 2014 (FDA/FTC Docket No. #14-NWJ-11) over what they call “fraudulent health claims” regarding Ebola treatments.

The FDA contends that Dr. Rima’s claims on her websites “establish that the products are drugs because they are intended for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.”  By the FDA’s definition, only a drug can cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease.  This, of course, denies the therapeutic power of a diverse array of natural substances—even those that have been scientifically shown to be effective against disease.

As a repercussion of the Warning Letter, some members of the medical community and the general public have branded Dr. Rima a “quack.”

This begs the question:  Does the FDA/FTC’s joint Warning Letter to Natural Solutions Foundation constitute a tyranny over free speech—and an unconstitutional opposition to effective nutrients and non-drug options for your health?  Can speaking up about a scientifically validated natural solution that will benefit the health of humanity be considered quackery?

That’s for you to decide.

“The Greatest Story Never Told”

Toxic OverloadIn publishing this article about Nano Silver’s potential to stop the Ebola Virus (referred to as “the greatest story never told” by the Natural Solutions Foundation), it is not the intention of The Underground Health Reporter or Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing to endorse Nano Silver for the treatment of Ebola … nor do we have any financial interest in the sale of Nano Silver.

However, for a health crisis as serious as Ebola, it is our responsibility as a health publisher to report all available natural solutions so that you, the reader, can do your own research and make health care decisions in partnership with a qualified medical practitioner—in the event that you or a loved one is stricken with the virus, or you just want to protect yourself from it.

It is the FDA’s job to crack down on all forms of quackery—especially those that carry bogus claims regarding the treatment and prevention of Ebola.  But in light of the undeniable facts that…

  • Dr. Rima’s claims about Nano Silver are based on the results of a study funded by no less than the Department of Defense 

  • Nano Silver has had an astonishing track record supporting immune function when faced with every pathogen ever tested against it

  • Nano Silver has been shown to be safe in 8 separate peer reviewed studies

     …could Dr. Rima really be called a quack—or should she rightfully be called a saver of lives?  And could the FDA’s suppression of information about Nano Silver result in avoidable genocide?

In classic “David and Goliath” fashion, Dr. Rima and the trustees at Natural Solutions Foundation are fighting back by starting a citizens’ petition to tell the FDA to stop blocking and attacking Nano Silver.  Their goal is to get 10 million emails demanding “Hands Off” Nano Silver 10 PPM, and also demanding that clinical trials be conducted under neutral international scrutiny.