Social Media Use Can Make You More or Less Lonely, Depending How You Use...
Social connections have a dramatic impact on our health. Close connections reduce risk of illness and help us live longer, while loneliness quite literally...
This is Your Brain on Fear … and What to Do About It
Fear and anxiety are ancient and useful emotions. These deeply-encoded feelings help keep us safe—for instance, when our “fight-or-flight” response shapes how we respond...
7 Reasons to Start Bouncing!
For years, the only people who regularly jumped on trampolines were children, elite athletes, and NASA astronauts. But recently, as information about the remarkable...
The Life-Changing Magic of Doing Less
Many Americans define ourselves so entirely by what we do that when someone asks us how we’re doing, we don’t share our emotional state....
Rewire Your Brain for Happiness With Two Proven Techniques
Being depressed can feel like being stuck in a bleak, hopeless loop. No matter what you try, you can’t convince your brain to reengage...
Social Isolation May Be the Most Serious Public Health Hazard of the 21st Century?
We now have the ability to connect almost immediately to anyone, anywhere, anytime, but the number of people who feel socially isolated is rising....
How Reading Boosts Brain Power and Protects Brain Health
The more you use your brain, the more your thinking capacity expands. This is one of those deceptively simple facts. On the surface, it...
This Breathing Technique Helps Alleviate Depression in Just One Session
A growing body of evidence shows that a breathing-based meditation practice called Sudarshan Kriya can help to lift depression and release negative emotions. Sundarshan Kriya...
Popular Insomnia Drugs Put You At Risk for Dementia
We’ve all experienced the frustration of longing for sleep that just won’t come. For insomnia sufferers, that frustration is nearly constant, leading many to...
Breathing-Based Yoga May Help Lift Depression
Depression is the most prevalent mental illness in the United States, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. The numbers are staggering:...