5-Minutes-Or-Less Health Tips

5-Minutes-Or-Less Health Tips

5-Minute Health Tip: Bang on a Drum

Got 5 minutes to spare? Bust out a hand drum or a bongo drum and bang away! Drumming is for everyone—you can literally beat...

5-Minute Health Tip: Cancer-Fighting Ginger Tea

Dry or cook ginger root, and you produce a highly potent cancer-fighting compound called 6-shogaol. Recent research published in the acclaimed journal PLOS ONE...

5-Minute Health Tip: Safeguard Brain Health with Shilajit

Shilajit is a millennial-old herbal tonic prized by Ayurvedic practitioners for its heart, energy and brain-boosting benefits. When exposed to the heat of the...

5-Minute Health Tip: Stop the Bleeding with Black Pepper

Got a medium-sized wound that’s bleeding non-stop? Stop the bleeding with black pepper! Not a new remedy but certainly an effective one, the black-pepper...

5-Minute Health Tip: Eat Apples and Dark Chocolate Together

Apples are full of heart healthy antioxidants, like anti-inflammatory quercetin. And studies suggest that dark chocolate keeps you healthy by reducing your risk of...

5-Minute Health Tip: Inositol for Anxiety

Do you wake up in the middle of the night in the grips of anxiety…perhaps even verging on a panic attack? Does anxiety play...

5-Minute Health Tip: Eat Foods High in Zinc

Zinc is much more than an immune booster that kicks colds and flus to the curb. It’s an antioxidant powerhouse that neutralizes the free...

5-Minute Health Tip: Whip Up a Cup of Cashew Milk

Almond milk still holds the title of most popular dairy milk alternative. It is cholesterol and lactose free and boasts a nutritional profile rich...
stomach exercise

5-Minute Health Tip: Massage Your Belly

When we think of massage we typically don’t think, “belly massage.” The back, booty, and other areas of our bodies tend to get the...

5-Minute Health Tip: A Spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar

A spoonful of apple cider vinegar a day may help with weight loss and blood sugar control. You never want to take apple cider...